This class represents an agent's request for help from a supervisor.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Interactions
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Interactions (in ININ.IceLib.Interactions.dll) Version: (

Collapse imageSyntax

[ObsoleteAttribute("AgentHelpRequest is no longer used.  Use AgentAssistanceList, SupervisorAssistanceList and InteractionsManager.SendAssistanceRequest instead.")]
public class AgentHelpRequest
Visual Basic
<ObsoleteAttribute("AgentHelpRequest is no longer used.  Use AgentAssistanceList, SupervisorAssistanceList and InteractionsManager.SendAssistanceRequest instead.")> _
Public Class AgentHelpRequest

Collapse imageRemarks

Agents sometimes need to obtain help with an interaction. For example, an agent might request help when a caller asks a question that the agent cannot answer.

When the request is sent, all supervisors of the workgroup from which the call originated receive an assistance request stating that the agent needs help. When one supervisor accepts the assistance request, the request is automatically dismissed from all other supervisors' IC systems.

Objects of this class contain data about an a agent's help request. These data items (agent, problem description, station, extension, etc.) are sent to the supervisor and are returned in the AgentHelpResponse object when the supervisor responds.

Collapse imageInheritance Hierarchy


Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 GA and beyond.

Collapse imageSee Also