Represents a memo within the Interaction Center system.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Statistics.Alerts
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Statistics (in ININ.IceLib.Statistics.dll) Version: (


public class Memo
Visual Basic
Public Class Memo


A memo can be received for a variety of reasons, either from another user or as part of an automated process. The MemoList object should be instantiated and used to listen for memos and sending out new memos.

To create a new local Memo object to work with use CreateMemo(Session, String, String, String, Boolean, Icon, Boolean, DateTime, String), CreateAlertMemo(Session, String, String, String, Boolean, Icon, String, String), or CreateEditableMemo(Session, Memo). There are two classes of memo: a regular memo and an alert memo. Alert memos use the AlertSetId field to associate with an AlertSet. Regular memos do not have that association, however they can bet set to expire using CanExpire and Expiration. CreateMemo(Session, String, String, String, Boolean, Icon, Boolean, DateTime, String) should be used to create new, regular memos while CreateAlertMemo(Session, String, String, String, Boolean, Icon, String, String) should be used to create alert memos. CreateEditableMemo(Session, Memo) should be used to copy an existing memo that has been received. Received memo objects can not be edited instead a new, cloned copy must be made to make modifications to be rebroadcast.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Version Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.

See Also