The ININ.IceLib.Statistics.Alerts namespace contains classes for viewing, changing, and receiving Interaction Center statistics alerts.

There are a number of classes within the ININ.IceLib.Statistics.Alerts namespace that provide support to the classes mentioned in the preceding summary. Examples of the supporting classes are enumerations, event argument classes, and delegates used by events within classes.

The following sequence describes one way of utilizing the members of the ININ.IceLib.Statistics.Alerts namespace for creating an alert to monitor.

Memo Watches. A Memo is an object that can be sent out from the server under certain circumstances or sent from a user to a list of recipients. The MemoList is used to watch for Memo objects that are sent out. There are three types of watching that can take place, MyMemos, GeneralMemos, and AlertMemos. MyMemos watch for Memo objects that target the current user. GeneralMemos watch for all non-alert Memo objects. AlertMemos watch for any Memo objects that are associated with an AlertSet. The MemoList is also used for sending out new Memo objects and sending out Memo updates.

For more information on getting started with statistics see Getting Started With Statistics.
For for the list of available statistics see Statistics Catalog.

Collapse imageClasses

Public classAlertAction
Represents an alert action specification. An alert action defines what will occur when an alert triggers. An AlertRule has a list of AlertAction objects that define the behavior of the resulting events.
Public classAlertActionTargets
Represents a list of well known IDs for action owners. These are used in conjunction with AlertAction to define the target of the alert action.
Public classAlertCatalog
The alert catalog is used to manage AlertSet configurations, retrieving, creating, editing, and deleting them.
Public classAlertCatalogChangedEventArgs<(Of <(<'TWatchedObject, TWatchedObjectPropertiesEnum>)>)>
Provides data for for the AlertCatalogChanged event. This contains a list of objects that have been added or removed and a list of all objects and properties that have changed.
Public classAlertCondition
Base class for alert conditions for alert rules. An alert condition defines what state will cause an alert to trigger. This, combined with the target StatisticKey is what makes up an alert.
Public classAlertDefinition
Represents an alert definition. The alert definition defines a list of AlertRule objects that can be applied to a statistic key.
Public classAlertFilterKey
Represents a unique key based on the alert set and target ID.
Public classAlertListener
Represents a class to enable listening for alert notifications. Alert notifications are events that get sent down when an alert enters or exits the alerted state.
Public classAlertListenerChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the AlertChanged event.
Public classAlertNotification
Represents the data sent for a given alert. The alert notification contains the data that about what alert has changed state, its new state and value.
Public classAlertNotificationEventArgs
Provides data for the AlertReceived event.
Public classAlertRule
An alert rule is defined by a circumstance (AlertCondition) that triggers the rule and the set of outcomes (AlertAction) that occur when the rule is triggered. A collection of alert rules make up an AlertDefinition.
Public classAlertRuleDelta
Represents a change to an alert rule during an AlertCatalogChanged event. Contains a list of all AlertAction objects that have been added or removed as well as what properties have changed on the AlertRule.
Public classAlertSet
Represents a set of AlertDefinition objects. An alert set contains a group of alerts (AlertDefinition as well as information about the overall alert set. Use AlertCatalog to manage alert sets.
Public classAlertSetSubscriber
Represents a subscriber to an AlertSet. An alert set subscriber contains information about a subscriber's subscription status in relation to an AlertSet
Public classBoolCondition
Represents a boolean alert condition. This condition can be used on boolean statistics to trigger if the value is true or false, or if the statistics is or is not available. To create a new BoolCondition use one of the static Create functions.
Public classClientMemoAlertAction
Alert action for a client memo target. A client memo alert action defines a client memo that will be sent out when an alert is triggered.
Public classCustomHandlerAlertAction
Alert action for a custom handler target. A custom handler alert action defines a custom handler that will be run when an alert is triggered.
Public classEditableAlertSet
Represents an editable alert set. This object is used to create and update alert sets.
Public classEmailMessageAlertAction
Alert action for an email message target. An email memo alert action defines an email that will be sent out when an alert is triggered.
Public classMemo
Represents a memo within the Interaction Center system.
Public classMemoEventArgs
Provides data for the memo events of MemoList.
Public classMemoList
This class serves as the main interface for accessing and creating Memo objects.
Public classMemoRecipient
Represents an entity that is listed as a receiver of a Memo.
Public classNumericCondition<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a numeric alert condition. A numeric condition can be used against numeric statistics to create alerts that trigger when the statistic is greater than, less then, between, equal to, or not equal to the supplied values, or if the statistic is or is not available. To use a numeric condition, use one of its concrete implementations, such as NumericIntCondition.
Public classNumericDoubleCondition
Represents a numeric double alert condition. A numeric double condition can be used against double statistics to create alerts that trigger when the statistic is greater than, less then, between, equal to, or not equal to the supplied values, or if the statistic is or is not available. To create a new NumericDoubleCondition use one of the static Create functions.
Public classNumericIntCondition
Represents a numeric integer alert condition. A numeric int condition can be used against integer statistics to create alerts that trigger when the statistic is greater than, less then, between, equal to, or not equal to the supplied values, or if the statistic is or is not available. To create a new NumericIntCondition use one of the static Create functions.
Public classNumericTimeSpanCondition
Represents a numeric time span alert condition. A numeric time span condition can be used against time span statistics to create alerts that trigger when the statistic is greater than, less then, between, equal to, or not equal to the supplied values, or if the statistic is or is not available. To create a new NumericTimeSpanCondition use one of the static Create functions.
Public classNumericTimeStampCondition
Represents a numeric time stamp alert condition. A numeric time stamp condition can be used against time stamp statistics to create alerts that trigger when the statistic is greater than, less then, between, equal to, or not equal to the supplied values, or if the statistic is or is not available. To create a new NumericTimeStampCondition use one of the static Create functions.
Public classStringCondition
Represents a string alert condition. A string condition can be used against string statistics to create alerts that trigger when the statistic has a value that matches, contains, or does not contain the supplied text, or if the statistic is or is not available. To create a new StringCondition use one of the static Create functions.

Collapse imageEnumerations

Public enumerationAlertConditionComparison
Mechanism to use when evaluating an AlertCondition.
Public enumerationAlertListenerFilter
Filters AlertChanged events based on what changed in the corresponding AlertRule.
Public enumerationAlertRuleChange
Track what has changed about a rule.
Public enumerationAlertSet..::..Property
Specifies constants indicating what properties this object supports.
Public enumerationAlertSetAccessMode
Defines the access mode for an alert set.
Public enumerationAlertSetCategories
The category of an AlertSet within the AlertCatalog.
Public enumerationAlertSetSubscriberAction
Defines the action to perform on a AlertSetSubscriber in relation to an AlertSet.
Public enumerationAlertSetSubscriberType
Associates the _Id with a type.
Public enumerationAlertSeverity
Represents an alert level for an AlertRule.
Public enumerationEditableAlertSetUpdateOperation
Defines what update operation will be performed on an EditableAlertSet.
Public enumerationMemoRecipientType
Represents the type of entity that a MemoRecipient refers to.
Public enumerationMemoWatchType
Represents the type of the memo watcher.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.