The ININ.IceLib.Statistics namespace does not include an API element for each available statistic. Instead, it is "metadata based", where the catalog of available statistics can be retrieved from the IC server through IceLib's statistics API. The statistics catalog contains the display name, description, type, units, required statistic parameters (if any), etc. for each available statistic.

As a convenience, the statistics catalog is integrated into the IceLib API documentation, allowing for browsing of the available statistics. A statistic's ID can be used with the IceLib statistics API to watch for statistic value changes.


The statistics catalog contained in the IceLib API documentation are for the particular GA release or SU update that the documentation was created for and might not include all statistics that are available when connecting to a newer or older IC Server.

The statistics catalog is organized into "categories" of statistics. The statistics within a given category tend to represent similar concepts or areas of the IC system. They also tend to have similar parameters. A given category is often restricted by licensing, which is indicated in a security note in each section.

The statistics catalog contains the following statistic categories:

Collapse imageAgent Statistics

Agent statistics summarize the activity of call center agents. These statistics report average talk time, longest talk time, average wait time, non-ACD interactions, interactions entered, interactions answered, interactions offered, or interactions completed for the current shift, previous shift, current period, or previous period. Averages are calculated when the interaction completes (disconnects).

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Client Access (I3_ACCESS_CLIENT)
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: Workgroup (I3_ACCESS_WORKGROUP_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Agent Keyword Spotted inin.agent:AgentKeywordSpottedAgent keyword spotted in an interactionstatisticStringValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Agent Negative Score inin.agent:AverageAgentNegativeKwScoreSum up agent negative score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Agent Positive Score inin.agent:AverageAgentPositiveKwScoreSum up agent positive score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Customer Negative Score inin.agent:AverageCustomerNegativeKwScoreSum up customer negative score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Customer Positive Score inin.agent:AverageCustomerPositiveKwScoreSum up customer positive score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Hold Time inin.agent:AverageHoldTimeThe average hold time in queue of all ACD interactions. In technical terms, this is the average time all ACD interaction on the agents queue for the specified workgroup have been in Hold state.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Talk Time inin.agent:AverageTalkTimeThe average time the agent has spent on interactions for the specified workgroup. In technical terms, this is the average time all interactions on the agents queue for the specified workgroup have been in the ACD - Assigned state.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Wait Time inin.agent:AverageWaitTimeAverage wait time in queue of all interactions. In other words, the average time an interaction from the specified workgroup has alerted the agent in the current period. This is the average time all interactions have been in the ACD - Alerting state on the agents queue for the specified workgroup.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Customer Keyword Spotted inin.agent:CustomerKeywordSpottedCustomer Keyword SpottedstatisticStringValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Answered inin.agent:InteractionsAnsweredNumber of interactions answered, calculated as the number of ACD interactions from the specified workgroup that went to a Connected state in the agent's queue.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Completed inin.agent:InteractionsCompletedNumber of interactions completed (that went from a state of ACD - Assigned to ACD - Disconnected).statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Held inin.agent:InteractionsOnHoldNumber of interactions held.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Received inin.agent:InteractionsEnteredTotal number of interactions that entered the queue.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Longest Interaction Waiting inin.agent:LongestWaitTimeTime of the longest currently waiting interaction. This interaction has been in the ACD - Wait Agent state the longest. Its duration is the amount of time that the interaction has waited to be picked up by an available agent, based on time in queue only. Supervisor workflow statistics always pertain to time in a workgroup or user interaction. Overall time in the system (such as time in IVR) is not counted.statisticFiniteDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Longest Talk Time inin.agent:LongestTalkTimeTime of the longest currently connected interaction. This interaction has been in a Connected state the longest.statisticFiniteDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Non-ACD Interactions inin.agent:NonACDInteractionsThe number of interactions answered by an agent that were not routed to the agent by ACD. These are interoffice interactions, transfers, and other person-to-person interactions.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Time In Status inin.agent:TimeInStatusThis statistic is evaluated by time-in-status alerts. It appears in Workgroup Detail views to report the amount of time that an agent has been in a particular status condition.StatusMessage(s)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupDirectory:Workgroup
  • ININ.People:Status
Total Agent Negative Score inin.agent:TotalAgentNegativeKwScoreSum up agent negative score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Agent Positive Score inin.agent:TotalAgentPositiveKwScoreSum up agent positive score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Customer Negative Score inin.agent:TotalCustomerNegativeKwScoreSum up customer negative score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Customer Positive Score inin.agent:TotalCustomerPositiveKwScoreSum up customer positive score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People.AgentStats:User
  • ININ.Queue:Interval

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Collapse imageAgents Real-time Adherence Details

Interaction Optimizer Real-Time Adherence (RTA) statistics inform about agents who are currently scheduled. RTA statistics report scheduling unit, workgroup, status, scheduled activity, actual activity (based on status), adherence status, exception type, current adherence time, cumulative shift in adherence and shift out of adherence duration for an agent. If an agent is not in a currently published schedule, his or her information will not be available. Note that RTA statistics are designed to be used in a similar fashion to the Real-Time Adherence view available in IC Business Manager. For example, they are designed to have only one scheduling unit and one workgroup selected per request.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Optimizer Access Real-time Adherence (I3_ACCESS_OPTIMIZER_RTA)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Actual Activity inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerCurrentActualActivityCurrent actual activity of agent based on logged in status.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Adherence Status inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerAdherenceStatusAgent adherence status indicating In Adherence or Out of Adherence with the schedule.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Agent inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerAgentNameDisplay name of scheduled agent.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Current Adherence Duration inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerAdherenceDurationDuration for which agent is in the current adherence state after last adherence status change.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Exception Type inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerExceptionTypeException type indicates the specific reason for agent being Out of Adherence with the schedule. Possible display values are Early, Late, Unscheduled, Skipped, Logged Out or Unknown.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Number Of Agents In Adherence inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerNumberOfAgentsInAdherenceThe count of users in adherence with the current schedule.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
Number Of Agents Out Of Adherence inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerNumberOfAgentsOutOfAdherenceThe count of users not in adherence with the current schedule.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
Percent Of Agents In Adherence inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerPercentOfAgentsInAdherenceThe percentage of users in adherence with the current schedule.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
Percent Of Agents Out Of Adherence inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerPercentOfAgentsOutOfAdherenceThe percentage of users not in adherence with the current schedule.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
Scheduled Activity inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerCurrentScheduledActivityThe activity scheduled by Interaction Optimizer for this agent at this point in time.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Shift Time In Adherence inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerShiftTimeInAdherenceThe cumulative amount of time that an agent has been in adherence, accumulated for the entire shift.statisticFiniteDurationValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Shift Time Out Of Adherence inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerShiftTimeOutOfAdherenceThe cumulative amount of time that an agent has been out of adherence, accumulated for the entire shift. statisticFiniteDurationValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent
Status inin.optimizerrtadata:OptimizerCurrentStatusCurrent logged in status of agentstatisticStringValue
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerSchedulingUnit
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerWorkgroup
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAdherenceStatus
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerExceptionType
  • ININ.OptimizerRTAData:OptimizerAgent

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Collapse imageClient Services Resources

Client Services statistics report the number of resources that IC's Client Services subsystem has available at a given point. These statistics are updated at the regular statistics interval. Client Services keeps track of logged-in users, their status, and their rights based on security configurations.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Status Of The Aggregator Connection inin.system.clientservices:PresenceManagerThis Boolean indicator (Yes or No) indicates whether a connection with Interaction Aggregator server is active. statisticBoolValue

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Collapse imageDialer Agent Statistics

Statistics summarizing the activity for a specific Dialer agent

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Abandon Rate (by Calls) inin.dialer.agent:AbandonRateByCallsThe percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were classified as abandons.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Abandon Rate (by Contacts) inin.dialer.agent:AbandonRateByContactsThe percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were contacts and were classified as abandons.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Abandon Rate (by Detections) inin.dialer.agent:AbandonRateByDetectionsThe percentage of Dialer calls handled by this agent which reached a live party and were classified as abandons.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Average Break Time inin.dialer.agent:AverageBreakTimeThe average amount of time this agent spends on break.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Average Dialer Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:AverageDialerTalkTimeThe average amount of time this agent spends on each Dialer call.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Average Idle Time inin.dialer.agent:AverageIdleTimeThe average amount of time this agent spends idle.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Average Non-Dialer Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:AverageNonDialerTalkTimeThe average amount of time this agent has spends on each non-Dialer call.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Average Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:AverageTalkTimeThe average amount of time this agent has spent on each call.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Contact Rate inin.dialer.agent:ContactRateThe percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were classified as contacts.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Contacts Per Hour inin.dialer.agent:ContactsPerHourThe number of Dialer calls resulting in a contact which this agent handles per hour.StatisticDoubleValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Dialer Calls inin.dialer.agent:DialerCallsThe number of Dialer calls this agent has completed.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Idle Periods inin.dialer.agent:IdlePeriodsThe number of times this agent has been idle.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Logged In Time inin.dialer.agent:LoggedInTimeHow long the agent has been logged into the campaign.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
Non-Dialer Calls inin.dialer.agent:NonDialerCallsThe number of non-Dialer calls this agent has completed.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Percent Break Time inin.dialer.agent:PercentBreakTimeThe percentage of this agent's time which has been spent on break.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Percent Dialer Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:PercentDialerTalkTimeThe percentage of this agent's time which has been spent on Dialer calls.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Percent Idle Time inin.dialer.agent:PercentIdleTimeThe percentage of this agent's time which has been spent idle.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Percent Non-Dialer Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:PercentNonDialerTalkTimeThe percentage of this agent's time which has been spent on non-Dialer calls.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Stage inin.dialer.agent:StageThe stage the agent is currently in.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
Station inin.dialer.agent:StationThe station this agent is logged into.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
Status inin.dialer.agent:StatusThe agent's current status.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
Successes Per Hour inin.dialer.agent:SuccessesPerHourThe number of successful Dialer calls this agent handles per hour.StatisticDoubleValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Successes Rate (by Calls) inin.dialer.agent:SuccessRateByCallsThe percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were classified as successes.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Successes Rate (by Contacts) inin.dialer.agent:SuccessRateByContactsThe percentage of Dialer calls handled by this agent which were contacts and were classified as successes.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Time In Stage inin.dialer.agent:TimeInStageHow long the agent has been in the current stage.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
Time In Status inin.dialer.agent:TimeInStatusHow long the agent has been in the current status.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
Total Abandons inin.dialer.agent:TotalAbandonsThe number of calls this agent has completed that were classified as abandons.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Break Time inin.dialer.agent:TotalBreakTimeThe total amount of time this agent has spent on break.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Breaks inin.dialer.agent:TotalBreaksThe number of times this agent has been on break.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Contacts inin.dialer.agent:TotalContactsThe number of calls this agent has completed that were classified as contacts.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Contacts Or Abandons inin.dialer.agent:TotalContactOrAbandonsThe number of calls this agent has completed that were classified as contacts or abandons. This stat is used when calculating the abandon rate by contacts.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Detections inin.dialer.agent:TotalDetectionsThe number of calls this agent has completed that were detected as a live speaker.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Dialer Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:TotalDialerTalkTimeThe total amount of time this agent has spent on connected Dialer calls.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Emails inin.dialer.agent:TotalEmailsTotal emails sent by Policy BehaviorstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Emails inin.dialer.agent:TotalEmailsTotal emails sent by Policy BehaviorstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Idle Time inin.dialer.agent:TotalIdleTimeThe total amount of time this agent has spent idle.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Non-Dialer Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:TotalNonDialerTalkTimeThe total amount of time this agent has spent on connected non-Dialer calls.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total SMS Messages inin.dialer.agent:TotalSMSTotal number of SMS messages sent by Policy BehaviorstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Successes inin.dialer.agent:TotalSuccessesThe number of calls this agent has completed that were classified as successes.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Talk Time inin.dialer.agent:TotalTalkTimeThe total amount of time this agent has spent on Dialer and non-Dialer calls.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval

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Collapse imageDialer Campaign Statistics

Statistics summarizing the activity for a specific Dialer campaign

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Abandon Rate inin.dialer.campaign:AbandonRateThe current abandon rate for this campaignstatisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Active Agents inin.dialer.campaign:ActiveAgentsThe number of agents currently active in this campaign.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Active Calls inin.dialer.campaign:ActiveCallsThe number of calls active within Dialer. This includes pending calls, outstanding calls, and connected callsstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Adjusted Calls Per Agent inin.dialer.campaign:AdjustedCallsPerAgentThe number of calls Dialer needs to place on average, at this moment, to get a connect, adjusted by the pace.StatisticDoubleValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Agents On Break inin.dialer.campaign:DNDAgentsThe number of agents logged into this campaign that are currently on breakstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Cached Contacts inin.dialer.campaign:CachedContactsThe number of contacts currently in Dialer's cachestatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Calls Per Agent inin.dialer.campaign:CallsPerAgentThe number of calls Dialer needs to place on average, at this moment, to get a connect.StatisticDoubleValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Calls Per Hour inin.dialer.campaign:CallsPerHourThe number of calls this campaign will place in an hour.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Connected Calls inin.dialer.campaign:ConnectedCallsThe number of calls currently connected in this campaign.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Current Pace inin.dialer.campaign:CurrentPaceThe current pace for this campaign.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Effective Idle Agents inin.dialer.campaign:EffectiveIdleAgentsThe portion of the idle agents that are dedicated to this campaignStatisticDoubleValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Estimated Completion inin.dialer.campaign:EstimatedCompletionThe estimated length of time left it will take this campaign to complete the current recycle.statisticFutureDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Filter inin.dialer.campaign:FilterThe filter used by this campaign.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Filter Size inin.dialer.campaign:FilterSizeThe number of callable contacts in the contact list for this campaign.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Idle Agents inin.dialer.campaign:IdleAgentsThe number of agents logged into this campaign that are currently idlestatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Last Error inin.dialer.campaign:LastErrorThe most recent error associated with this campaign.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Last Warning inin.dialer.campaign:LastWarningThe most recent warning associated with this campaign.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Non-Dialer Agents inin.dialer.campaign:NonDialerAgentsThe number of agents in this campaign that are currently on non-Dialer calls.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Priority inin.dialer.campaign:PriorityThe configured priority of this campaignstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Proceeding Calls inin.dialer.campaign:ProceedingCallsThe number of calls currently proceeding in this campaign.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Recycle Blocked inin.dialer.campaign:RecycleBlockedThe number of contacts that will not be dialed because they are currently zone blocked.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Recycle Size inin.dialer.campaign:RecycleSizeThe number of contacts left in the current recycle for this campaign.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Recycles Remaining inin.dialer.campaign:RecyclesRemainingThe number of times this campaign will recycle before it is completed.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Sort inin.dialer.campaign:SortThe sort order used by this campaign.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Status inin.dialer.campaign:StatusThe status of this campaign.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Total Agents inin.dialer.campaign:TotalAgentsThe number of agents currently logged into this campaign.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
Workgroup inin.dialer.campaign:WorkgroupThe workgroup used by this campaign.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site

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Collapse imageDialer Custom Statistics

Statistics summarizing the activity for custom statistics

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Average inin.dialer.custom:AverageThe average value of the custom column being tracked.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:CustomStatColumn
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Count inin.dialer.custom:CountThe number of calls that have been completed where the value of the custom column being tracked is equal to the value specified.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:CustomStatColumn
  • ININ.Dialer:CustomStatValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Sum inin.dialer.custom:SumThe sum of the values of the custom column being tracked.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:CustomStatColumn
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval

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Collapse imageDialer Phone Number Detail Statistics

Statistics summarizing the details of a specific phone number

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Attempts inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsThe total number of times this phone number type has been attempted.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts Abandoned inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsAbandonedThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been classified as abandons.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts Answering Machine inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsMachineThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been classified as answering machines.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts Busy inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsBusyThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been classified as busy.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts Fax inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsFaxThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been classified as fax.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts No Answer inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsNoAnswerThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been classified as no answer.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts Remote Hangup inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsRemoteHangupThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been classified as remote hangups.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts Rescheduled inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsRescheduledThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been rescheduled.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Attempts System Hangup inin.dialer.pnd:AttemptsSystemHangupThe total number of attempts to this phone number type which have been classified as system hangups.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Contact Rate inin.dialer.pnd:ContactRateThe contact rate for this phone number type. The rate is calculated using the number of contacts and the total number of attempts.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Contacts inin.dialer.pnd:ContactsThe total number of contacts that have been made to this phone number type.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:PhoneNumberType
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval

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Collapse imageDialer Skill Statistics

Statistics summarizing the details for a specific skill

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Cached Contacts inin.dialer.skill:CachedContactsThe number of contacts requiring this skill combination which are currently in Dialer's cache.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill
Callable Contacts inin.dialer.skill:CallableContactsThe number of contacts requiring this skill combination which are callable.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill
Finishing Agents inin.dialer.skill:FinishingAgentsThe number of finishing agents active in the campaign with this skill combination.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill
Idle Agents inin.dialer.skill:IdleAgentsThe number of idle agents active in the campaign with this skill combination.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill
Outstanding Contacts inin.dialer.skill:OutstandingContactsThe number of contacts requiring this skill combination which are currently being called.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill
Scheduled Contacts inin.dialer.skill:ScheduledContactsThe number of contacts requiring this skill combination which are scheduled.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill
Total Agents inin.dialer.skill:TotalAgentsThe number of agents active in the campaign with this skill combination.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill
Total Contacts inin.dialer.skill:TotalContactsThe total number of contacts requiring this skill combination.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Skill

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Collapse imageDialer Stage Statistics

Statistics summarizing the activity for a specific Dialer stage

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Average Time inin.dialer.stage:AverageTimeThe average time a call spends in this stage.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Stage
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Completed Calls inin.dialer.stage:CompletedCallsThe number of calls that were completed while in this stage.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Stage
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Percent Completed inin.dialer.stage:PercentCompletedThe percentage of the calls that enter this stage that are completed in this stage.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Stage
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Calls inin.dialer.stage:TotalCallsThe number of calls that entered this stage.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Stage
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Time inin.dialer.stage:TotalTimeThe total time calls have spent in this stage.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:Stage
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval

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Collapse imageDialer Wrap Up Statistics

Statistics summarizing the dispositions of Dialer calls

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Average Time inin.dialer.wrapup:AverageTimeThe average amount of time this agent spends on Dialer calls with this wrap-up category and code.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCategory
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCode
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Percent Calls inin.dialer.wrapup:PercentCallsThe percentage of the total calls this agent has completed which they completed with this wrap-up category and code.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCategory
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCode
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Percent Time inin.dialer.wrapup:PercentTimeThe percentage of the time this agent has spent on calls for this wrap-up category and code to the total time the agent has spent on calls.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCategory
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCode
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Calls inin.dialer.wrapup:TotalCallsThe number of calls this agent has completed with a specific wrap-up category and code.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCategory
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCode
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval
Total Time inin.dialer.wrapup:TotalTimeThe total time this agent has spent on Dialer calls with a specific wrap-up category and code.statisticDurationValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Site
  • ININ.Dialer:Agent
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCategory
  • ININ.Dialer:WrapupCode
  • ININ.Dialer:Interval

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Collapse imageDialer Zone Statistics

Statistics summarizing the details for a specific zone

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Cached Contacts number of contacts with one or more callable phone numbers in this zone which are currently in cache.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Zone
Callable Contacts number of callable contacts with one or more callable phone numbers in this zone.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Zone
Scheduled Contacts number of contacts with a scheduled phone number in this zone.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Zone
Status status of this zone - whether or not it is currently blocked.statisticBoolValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Zone
Total Contacts total number of contacts with one or more callable phone numbers in this zone.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Dialer:Campaign
  • ININ.Dialer:Zone

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Collapse imageEmail

The statistics in this category summarize Email routing activity in IC. These statistics are updated at the regular statistics interval.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Emails In Pre-delivery Processing. of Email messages that IC is in process of delivering.statisticIntValue
Emails Scheduled To Be Retried of Email messages that have had at least one failed attempt at delivery, but because that failed attempt might have been due to a momentary problem (e.g. network outage, unavailable server, etc.), at least one more delivery attempt will be made.statisticIntValue
Emails That Cannot Be Delivered of Email messages that could not be delivered, either because the number of retry attempts on the message has been exceeded, or because something about the message makes it undeliverable (e.g. there are no recipients, a voicemail that is missing an audio file, etc.)statisticIntValue
Emails Waiting To Be Delivered of Email messages that have been left, which IC has not started processing.statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageFax

This category provides information about Faxing operations in the IC system. These statistics are updated at the regular statistics interval.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Fax Licenses Available inin.system.fax:AvailableResourcesNumber of active Fax stations that are currently available to send or receive Faxes. A low number indicates that additional active Fax resources should be added or configured. The display indicates the total number available out of total.statisticIntValue
Fax Receptions Failed (aborted) inin.system.fax:ReceiveAbortedTotal number of Faxes received which failed due to line noise or faxing protocol error.statisticIntValue
Fax Receptions Failed (connection Failure) inin.system.fax:ReceiveConnectionFailureTotal number of Faxes received which failed due to no Fax resources available. This error indicates that additional hardware Fax resources are required.statisticIntValue
Fax Sends Aborted inin.system.fax:SendAbortedThe number of Faxes sends that failed due to a faxing protocol error (too much line noise, too many errors, failure to negotiate baud rate, etc.)statisticIntValue
Faxes Received Successfully inin.system.fax:ReceiveSuccessThe total number of Faxes received today, this value is reset to zero every day at midnight.statisticIntValue
Faxes Send Connection Failures inin.system.fax:SendConnectionFailureThe total number of Faxes that failed due to invalid Fax numbers or connection problems (no available lines, or other telephony failure) since the server was restarted.statisticIntValue
Faxes Sent Successfully inin.system.fax:SendSuccessThe total number of Faxes sent successfully today, this value is reset to zero every day at midnight.statisticIntValue
Total Fax Licenses inin.system.fax:TotalResourcesTotal number of fax licenses.statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageFeedback Statistics

Interaction Feedback statistics inform about a named Interaction Feedback survey or survey group. Feedback views display real-time statistics for the last hour (relative to the present time) or statistics for the current day, since midnight. Daily statistics reset at midnight.

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Active Surveys of calls in a Connected state where the customer has agreed to take a survey at the end of the call. This number reflects customers that have not started the survey as well as customers currently taking the survey who are still Connected to the IC system.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Agent No Answer Today column is used to indicate surveys that have been opted into for which no agent have answered, for today.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Available Licenses licensesstatisticIntValue
Below Minimum Score column is used only if a survey definition specified a value (other than 0) in the Minimum Acceptable Score field. If a survey specifies a minimum value, indicating the lowest acceptable score on a survey, then each survey completed since midnight that scored below that minimum value is counted in this column.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Caller Disconnects Today column is used to indicate surveys that have been opted into for which the caller has disconnected before the survey was presented, for today.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Survey Average Score Last Hour column displays the average score of selected surveys within the past hour.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Survey Average Score Today column displays the average score selected surveys since midnight.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Survey Opt-outs Today of calls since midnight where the customer did not agree to take the survey. This includes calls in the Connected state as well as previously disconnected calls.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Surveys Abandoned Today of calls who agreed to take a survey (at one point considered an Active Survey) but did not complete the survey. This reflects calls where the customer disconnected before taking the survey as well as those that disconnected while taking the survey before completing it. Abandoned survey data is not used in survey reports.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Surveys Bypassed (no License) Today of calls since midnight where the customer took a survey but the agent who dealt with the caller did not have an Interaction Feedback Access license. In this case, the customer completed the survey and the data was captured, but it will not be included in the survey data in Interaction Feedback Reports. In the case where multiple agents handled a call, if at least one of the agents has an Interaction Feedback Access license, the survey data will be included in the reports.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Surveys Completed Today of calls since midnight where a Survey was completed by obtaining answers to all of the questions. This count does not include Active Surveys or Abandoned Surveys.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Surveys In Error Today of system errors generated by the IC server since midnight. These errors could be any system error that could affect the performance of the IC server, and which are reflected in either the IC server's Windows event logs or IC subsystem logs.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Surveys Offered Last Hour of surveys selected and offered to customers within the past hour.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Surveys Offered Today of surveys selected and offered to customers since midnight.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyGroupName
  • ININ.Feedback:SurveyName
Total Licenses licensesstatisticIntValue

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Collapse imageIC Memory Usage

IC Memory Usage statistics report the amount of memory that IC subsystems are consuming (in kilobytes). These statistics are updated every 5 minutes.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Acc Server inin.system.memoryusage:AccServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Accumulator (Acc) server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Accumulators, similar to system registers, count events as they occur in the IC's Interaction Processor. Instances of these events are stored in variables and are accessible in report logs or other handlers using the Accumulator tools in Interaction Designer.statisticIntValue(KB)
Acd Server inin.system.memoryusage:AcdServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that ACD Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. ACD Server determines which agent a call should be routed to, based upon skill and other factors.statisticIntValue(KB)
Admin Server inin.system.memoryusage:AdminServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Admin Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Admin Server provides ACL management and licensing on top of the data managed by Directory Services. It maintains a very large cache of data with a size proportional to the amount of configuration informationstatisticIntValue(KB)
Client Services inin.system.memoryusage:ClientServicesThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Client Services is using, expressed in kilobytes. Client Services keeps track of logged-in users, their status, and their rights based on security configurations.statisticIntValue(KB)
Cluster Connector inin.system.memoryusage:ClusterConnectorThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that the Cluster Connector is using, expressed in kilobytes. statisticIntValue(KB)
Compression Manager inin.system.memoryusage:CompressionManagerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Compression Manager is using, expressed in kilobytes. Compression Services compress audio recordings (such as voice mail messages) using the TrueSpeech compression algorithm.statisticIntValue(KB)
Data Manager inin.system.memoryusage:DataManagerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Data Manager is using, expressed in kilobytes. Data Manager is the IC subsystem that services Reverse White Page (RWP) lookup requests, as well as contact directory requests. Data Manager keeps track of data sources used to display Contact Directory and Speed Dial notebook pages in Interaction Client. statisticIntValue(KB)
DS Server inin.system.memoryusage:DSServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Directory Services is using, expressed in kilobytes. Directory Services provides the interface to the proprietary data store (configuration repository) that IC uses to store system configuration information.statisticIntValue(KB)
DS Sink inin.system.memoryusage:DSSinkThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that DSSink is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
EMS Server inin.system.memoryusage:EMSServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Multi-Site Client is using on a peer IC site, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
Fax Server inin.system.memoryusage:FaxServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Fax Services is using, expressed in kilobytes. The Fax subsystem allows the Interaction Center Platform to send and receive faxes.statisticIntValue(KB)
File Monitor inin.system.memoryusage:FileMonitorThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that File Monitor is using, expressed in kilobytes. File Monitor keeps track of file usage.statisticIntValue(KB)
File Router inin.system.memoryusage:FileRouterThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that the File Router is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
Host Server inin.system.memoryusage:HostServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Host Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Host Services allows Interaction Center Platform to communicate with mainframes and IBM AS/400 systems using the 3270 and 5250 terminal emulation protocols.statisticIntValue(KB)
IC Interation Recovery Service inin.system.memoryusage:InteractionRecoveryServiceThe Amount of paged physical memory (working set) that IC Interation Recovery Service is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
IC STS inin.system.memoryusage:IcStsThe Amount of paged physical memory (working set) that IC STS is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
IP inin.system.memoryusage:IPThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Interaction Processor (IP) is using, expressed in kilobytes. Interaction Processor (IP) is the IC subsystem that processes low-level subsystem events in order to implement higher-level business logic. For example, Interaction Processor starts an instance of a handler in response to an event.statisticIntValue(KB)
IP Server inin.system.memoryusage:IPServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that IP Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. IP Server manages several helper tasks for Interaction Processor and Report Logging. Specifically it logs line activity, and manages part of the Message waiting light processing.statisticIntValue(KB)
IPDB Server inin.system.memoryusage:IPDBServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that IPDB Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. IPDB Server connects Interaction Processor to a specified database when Database tools are used.statisticIntValue(KB)
Mail Account Monitor inin.system.memoryusage:MailAccountMonitorThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Mail Account Monitor is using, expressed in kilobytes. Mail Account Monitor is responsible for syncing external user attributes from Mail accounts or LDAP to Directory Services. statisticIntValue(KB)
Notifier inin.system.memoryusage:NotifierThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Notifier is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
Optimizer Server inin.system.memoryusage:OptimizerServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Optimizer Server is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
Out Of Proc inin.system.memoryusage:OutOfProcThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) consumed by OutOfProc server, expressed in kilobytes. OutOfProc server is a service used to execute DLLs for Interaction Processor without risking the integrity of the IP process. Its size will be a function of any custom activities that might be added by the customer or VAR via these customization interfaces.statisticIntValue(KB)
Post Office Server inin.system.memoryusage:PostOfficeServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Post Office Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Post Office Server (POS) is the IC subsystem that provides platform independent access to Email services such as message store access and message delivery. POS also provides support for Email routing, and will initiate an Reverse White Page (RWP) lookup request before queuing an incoming email interaction.statisticIntValue(KB)
Reco inin.system.memoryusage:SpeechRecognitionThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Speech Recognition (ASR) is using, expressed in kilobytes. Speech recognition services recognize spoken commands and phrases for applications such as speech-enabled IVR (interactive voice response).statisticIntValue(KB)
Recorder Server inin.system.memoryusage:RecorderServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Interaction Recorder Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Interaction Recorder is an application for managing phone calls, Emails, Faxes, screen recordings, and Web chats recorded within the CIC platform. Interaction Recorder identifies interactions to record and manages the compression, archiving, and storing of the attributes for each type of media recording. Using Interaction Recorder, you can quickly sort and manage large numbers of recordings. Interaction Recorder also includes features for scoring agent interactions and quality monitoring.statisticIntValue(KB)
Session Manager inin.system.memoryusage:SessionManagerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Session Manager is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
SMS Server inin.system.memoryusage:SMSServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Simple Message Services Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. IC provides tools that allow SMS messages to be sent or received.statisticIntValue(KB)
Stat Alert Server inin.system.memoryusage:StatAlertServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Alert Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Alert Services allows users and supervisors to define specific circumstances (e.g., average hold time > 10 minutes) under which they are to be alerted and the means by which the alert is to occur (e.g., e-mail, pager, phone call, etc.).statisticIntValue(KB)
Statistics Server inin.system.memoryusage:StatServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Statistics Server (StatServer) is using, expressed in kilobytes. Statistics Server tracks important statistical information for real-time views and historical reporting.statisticIntValue(KB)
Switchover inin.system.memoryusage:SwitchoverThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that the IC's automated switchover system is using, expressed in kilobytes. If an IC server ever fails, in less than 30 seconds the server can switch control to another mirror image IC server with minimal phone disruption. In addition, the switchover scheme allows administrators to manually switch the statisticIntValue(KB)
Telephony Services inin.system.memoryusage:TelephonyServicesThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Telephony Services is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
Tracker Server inin.system.memoryusage:TrackerServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Tracker Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Interaction Tracker is composed of two server-side subsystems: Tracker Server and Tracker Tran Server (also called Transaction Server). Tracker Server listens for specific events from Queue Manager and inserts and updates interaction records. Tracker Tran Server processes insert and update requests from Tracker Server and insert, update, and query requests from Interaction Tracker Clients.statisticIntValue(KB)
Transaction Server inin.system.memoryusage:TransactionServerThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Transaction Server is using, expressed in kilobytes. Transaction Server is a generic processor of database transactions related transactions for several different subsystems including Tracker and Recorder.statisticIntValue(KB)
VPIM Receiver inin.system.memoryusage:VPIMReceiverThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) Receiver is using, expressed in kilobytes. VPIM a mechanism for identifying body parts that a sender deems critical in a multi-part Internet mail message.statisticIntValue(KB)
Web Processor inin.system.memoryusage:WebProcessorAmount of paged physical memory that Web Processor is using, expressed in kilobytes. Web Processor is the IC subsystem that handles all incoming web interactions and internal intercom chats. It operates in conjunction with servlet process on a web server and acts as web interface into the IC system.statisticIntValue(KB)

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Collapse imageIC Performance

This category provides information about performance of IC server. These statistics are updated at the regular statistics interval.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Available CPU inin.system.performance:CpuAvailableTotalAvailable CPU in percent.statisticPercentValue(%)
Average Latency inin.system.performance:AverageLatencyThe average Notifier/Queue Manager latency in milliseconds. This statistic is computed by sending no-op requests from Remoco to Queue Manager and then measuring the latency in the response from Queue Manager.statisticIntValue(ms)
Free Disk Space Logs inin.system.performance:FreeDiskSpaceLogsThe free disk space logs currently consume on this system in gigabytes.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
Free Disk Space Recordings inin.system.performance:FreeDiskSpaceRecordingsThe free disk space recordings currently consume on this system in gigabytes.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
Free Disk Space System inin.system.performance:FreeDiskSpaceSystemThe free disk space of this system in gigabytes.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
Free Disk Space Work inin.system.performance:FreeDiskSpaceWorkThe free disk space work in gigabytes.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
IP CPU Usage inin.system.performance:CpuIPThe value is the percentage of total CPU used by the Interaction Processor subsystem across all cores present in the machine.statisticPercentValue(%)
Notifier CPU Usage inin.system.performance:CpuNotifierThe value is the percentage of total CPU used by the Notifier subsystem across all cores present in the machine.statisticPercentValue(%)
Page Faults inin.system.performance:PageFaultsPage faults are the number of times that the operating system has to use the hard disk as a memory resource. A consistently large number of page faults may indicate that more main memory may be required. statisticIntValue
System Latency inin.system.performance:SystemLatencyMeasures round trip time of a message through the Notifier subsystem. This indicates the general latency of the IC platform. A high latency value indicates that the server is busy and may require additional hardware resources. On a system that is not under load, this value is typically zero. On a moderately tasked system, a typical value might be 50-100 ms. A system under heavy load might be higher. Values over 300 milliseconds may cause noticeable delays and could indicate that a hardware upgrade or handler optimization is needed.statisticIntValue(ms)
Total CPU Usage inin.system.performance:CpuUsageTotalThe value is the sum of CPU utilization reported by Windows across all cores present in the machine. A value of 100% on a four core machine would indicate that all cores are completely used.statisticPercentValue(%)
Total Disk Space Logs inin.system.performance:TotalDiskSpaceLogsThe value indicates the amount of total disk space that is available on the drive where logs are saved.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
Total Disk Space Recordings inin.system.performance:TotalDiskSpaceRecordingsThe value indicates the amount of total disk space that is available on the drive where recordings are saved.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
Total Disk Space System inin.system.performance:TotalDiskSpaceSystemThe value indicates the amount of total disk space that is available on the drive where the operating system resides.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
Total Disk Space Work inin.system.performance:TotalDiskSpaceWorkThe value indicates the amount of total disk space that is available on the drive that contains the IC work directory.StatisticDoubleValue(GB)
TS CPU Usage inin.system.performance:CpuTSThe value is the percentage of total CPU used by the Telephony Services subsystem across all cores present in the machine.statisticPercentValue(%)
TTS CPU Usage inin.system.performance:CpuTTSThe value is the percentage of total CPU used by the text to speech subsystem across all cores present in the machine.statisticPercentValue(%)

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Collapse imageIC System Status

The statistics in this category indicate general system status in terms of number of executing handlers, host and database tool errors, and available text-to-speech sessions. These statistics are updated at the regular statistics interval.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Available Remote Licenses inin.system.status:AvailableRemoteLicensesThe number of available remote licenses, updated every 10 minutes.statisticIntValue
Available TTS Sessions inin.system.status:AvailableTtsSessionsThis value indicates the total number of text-to-speech sessions that are currently available. If the available number is approaching zero, you may need to purchase additional TTS sessions. statisticIntValue
Backup Server Name inin.system.status:BackupNameThe Notifier name of the backup server, or N/A if no backup server is configured.statisticStringValue
Backup Server Ready inin.system.status:BackupReadyIndicates the health of the backup (Switchover) server. Displays Yes if the backup server is ready, or No if the backup server is known to be in a bad state or is no longer processing properly.statisticBoolValue
Current Handlers In The Thread Pool inin.system.status:CurrentHandlerThreadPoolNumber of handlers in the thread pool.statisticIntValue
Currently Executing Handlers inin.system.status:RunningHandlerThreadsThe value indicates the total number of handlers that are currently executing in the system. If this number continually trends up, this could indicate that handlers are not completing execution due to design flaws, or tool defects.statisticIntValue
Host Tool Connection Errors inin.system.status:HostToolConnectionErrorsTotal errors for the 'Host Connect' Host Interface tool for the last ten minutes. These are failed attempts to connect to the host system. Errors of this type typically indicate host/communications problems or an incorrectly configured host profile. statisticIntValue
Host Tool Other Errors inin.system.status:HostToolOtherErrorsTotal errors for the other Host Interface tool for the last ten minutes. Typically these are minor errors, caused by timeouts, unrecognized screens, and handler programming errors.statisticIntValue
Indicates If A Switchover Was Performed inin.system.status:SwitchoverPerformedIndicates if a switchover was performed.statisticBoolValue
IP Is Running inin.system.status:IPRunningIndicates whether Interaction Processor is running.statisticBoolValue
Maximum Executing Handlers inin.system.status:MaxHandlerThreadsMaximum number of handlers that can be executed in the system at any time.statisticIntValue
Queued Handler Threads inin.system.status:QueuedHandlerThreadsNumber of handlers that are queued in the system right now.statisticIntValue
Switchover UDP Heartbeat Interval inin.system.status:UdpHeartbeatIntervalHeartbeats are a series of signals emitted at regular intervals, by IC servers on the network. This stat indicates the transmission rate for UDP heartbeats on the Switchover server, expressed in milliseconds.statisticIntValue(ms)
Time Since Last Switchover inin.system.status:TimeOfLastSwitchoverThe amount of time that has passed since the last known switchover occurred, or statisticTimeDurationValue
Total TTS Sessions inin.system.status:TotalTtsSessionsMaximum number of concurrent TTS sessions allowed.statisticIntValue
Ts Ping Time inin.system.status:TsPingTimeThe amount of time in milliseconds to ping the IC's Telephony Services subsystem.statisticIntValue(ms)

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Collapse imageInteraction Director Statistics

Interaction Director statistics.

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
% Available inin.director:PercentInEG% Available.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Abandon Rate Distributions inin.director:AbandonedRateDistributionAbandoned rate distribution for an accumulative/partial sum bucket, workgroup, interaction type and time interval. The number of abandoned calls for each bucket is divided by the number of call that entered into the workgroup queue to represent this value in percentage. statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:AccumulativeHistogramInterval
- or -
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:PartialSumHistogramInterval
Available To Take Director Interaction inin.director:AvailableForDirectorInteractionsInEGAvailable to take Director interaction.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Average Talk Time inin.director:AverageTalkTimeInEGAverage talk time.statisticDurationValue(Seconds)
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Wait Time inin.director:AverageWaitTimeInEGAverage wait time.statisticDurationValue(Seconds)
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Called Address inin.director:ISRCalledAddressCalled address.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
Calling Address inin.director:ISRCallingAddressCalling address.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
DTMF Code inin.director:ISRDTMFCodeDTMF code.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
DTMF Wait inin.director:ISRDTMFWaitDTMF wait.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
Failures inin.director:ISRFailuresFailures.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
From Server inin.director:ISRFromServerFrom server.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
ID Method inin.director:ISRIDMethodID method.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
Interactions Abandoned inin.director:InteractionsAbandonedInEGInteractions abandoned.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Answered inin.director:InteractionsAnsweredInEGInteractions answered.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Completed inin.director:InteractionsCompletedInEGInteractions completed.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Received inin.director:InteractionsReceivedInEGInteractions received.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Line Group inin.director:ISRLinegroupLine group.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
Logged In inin.director:LoggedInAgentsInEGLogged in.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Longest Available inin.director:LongestAvailableInEGLongest available.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Longest Director Interaction inin.director:LongestDirectorInteractionInEGLongest Director interaction.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Longest-waiting Director Interaction inin.director:LongestWaitingDirectorInteractionInEGLongest-waiting Director interactionstatisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Number Of Active Queues. inin.director:NumberOfActiveQueuesInEGNumber of active queuesstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Number Of Calls Currently Answered inin.director:NumberOfCallsCurrentlyAnsweredInEGNumber of calls currently answered.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Number Of Calls In Director Wait inin.director:NumberOfCallsInDirectorWaitInEGNumber of calls in Director wait.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Number Of Configured Queues. inin.director:NumberOfConfiguredQueuesInEGNumber of configured queues.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
On ACW inin.director:OnACWInEGOn ACW.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
On Non-Director Interactions inin.director:OnNonDirectorInteractionsInEGOn non-Director interactions.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
Service Level Distributions inin.director:ServiceLevelDistributionThe interactions that connected callers to agents within a specified time interval. The number of answered calls for each bucket is divided by the number of calls answered in the workgroup queue to represent this value in percentage.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:AccumulativeHistogramInterval
- or -
  • ININ.Director:EnterpriseGroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:PartialSumHistogramInterval
Status inin.director:ISRStatusStatus.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
Successes inin.director:ISRSuccessesSuccesses.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
To Server inin.director:ISRToServerTo server.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName
Unique ID inin.director:ISRUniqueIDUnique ID.statisticStringValue
  • ININ.Director:ServerName
  • ININ.Director:InterServerRouteName

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Collapse imageInteraction Statistics

This category provides counts or durations for general object types in IC.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Active Calls inin.system.interaction:ActiveCallsTotal number of active call objects in the system, including SIP calls. See SIP Station Calls for a count of active SIP calls only.statisticIntValue
Active Chats inin.system.interaction:ActiveChatsNumber of active chat objects in the system.statisticIntValue
Active Emails inin.system.interaction:ActiveEmailsNumber of active Email objects in the system.statisticIntValue
Active Generic Objects inin.system.interaction:ActiveGenericObjectsNumber of active generic objects in the system. A generic object is an integration object that can be placed on a queue, and routed throughout IC. Each generic object represents a third-party software construct of some sort, such as an external ticketing system, video conference, or other software that was defined by a third party.statisticIntValue
Active Social Conversations inin.system.interaction:ActiveSocialConversationsNumber of active conversations in the system.statisticIntValue
Active Social Direct Messages inin.system.interaction:ActiveSocialDirectMessagesNumber of active direct messages in the system.statisticIntValue
Active Workflows inin.system.interaction:ActiveWorkflowsNumber of active workflows in the system.statisticIntValue
Longest Call inin.system.interaction:LongestCallDuration of the longest call currently in the system.statisticTimeDurationValue
Longest Chat inin.system.interaction:LongestChatDuration of the longest chat currently in the system.statisticTimeDurationValue
Longest Email inin.system.interaction:LongestEmailDuration of the longest Email currently in the system.statisticTimeDurationValue
Longest Generic Object inin.system.interaction:LongestGenericObjectDuration of the longest generic object currently in the system.statisticTimeDurationValue
Longest Social Conversation inin.system.interaction:LongestSocialConversationDuration of the longest Social Conversation currently in the system.statisticTimeDurationValue
Longest Social Direct Message inin.system.interaction:LongestSocialDirectMessageDuration of the longest Direct Message currently in the system.statisticTimeDurationValue
Longest Workflow inin.system.interaction:LongestWorkflowDuration of the longest workflow currently in the system.statisticTimeDurationValue
SIP Station Calls inin.system.interaction:ActiveConnectionCallsThe number of active calls that are SIP station calls. For example, if Active Calls equals 10, and there are 5 SIP station calls at the same time, then the total call count is 10, with 5 of those calls being SIP Station Calls.statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageLicenses

This category summarizes IC license availability and utilization.

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Allowed inin.licenses:TotalLicensesThe total number of licenses on this system for the given license type.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Licenses:Server
  • ININ.Licenses:LicenseType
  • ININ.Licenses:License
Available inin.licenses:AvailableLicensesThe number of licenses on this system for the given license type that are not yet used.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Licenses:Server
  • ININ.Licenses:LicenseType
  • ININ.Licenses:License
Available In Percent inin.licenses:AvailableLicensePercentageThe percentage of licenses on this system for the given license type that are not yet used.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Licenses:Server
  • ININ.Licenses:LicenseType
  • ININ.Licenses:License
In Use inin.licenses:UsedLicensesThe number of licenses on this system for the given license type that are in use.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Licenses:Server
  • ININ.Licenses:LicenseType
  • ININ.Licenses:License
Used In Percent inin.licenses:UsedLicensePercentageThe percentage of licenses on this system for the given license type that are in use.statisticPercentValue
  • ININ.Licenses:Server
  • ININ.Licenses:LicenseType
  • ININ.Licenses:License

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Collapse imagePMQ

The statistics in this category summarize activity in persistent message queues.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Admin Server Is Connected To DB inin.system.pmq:AdminServerConnectedToDbIndicates whether or not Admin Server's PMQ object currently has a connection to the database. Not having a connection only indicates an error if items are also being persisted to disk.statisticBoolValue
Admin Server's Oldest Message On Disk inin.system.pmq:AdminServerOldestMessageOnDiskAge of the oldest message that PMQ is currently storing to disk for Admin Server. This operation is common for Admin Server, and should be a concern only if the time lag is larger than the default reporting period (30 minutes).statisticTimeDurationValue(s)
Admin Server's PMQ Is Persisted To Disk inin.system.pmq:AdminServerPersistedToDiskIndicates that PMQ is currently buffering Admin Server messages to disk. This is a common occurrence for Stat Server since it periodically sends large amounts of data to the database. If the subsystem is connected to the database, and it has messages persisting to disk then you should examine the 'oldest message on disk' statistic to find out whether messages are flowing smoothly or are backed up.statisticIntValue(Messages)
IP Is Connected To DB inin.system.pmq:IpConnectedToDbIndicates whether or not Interaction Processor's PMQ object currently has a connection to the database. Not having a connection only indicates an error if items are also being persisted to disk.statisticBoolValue
IP Server Is Connected To DB inin.system.pmq:IpServerConnectedToDbIndicates whether or not IP Server's PMQ object currently has a connection to the database. Not having a connection only indicates an error if items are also being persisted to disk.statisticBoolValue
IP Server's Oldest Message On Disk inin.system.pmq:IpServerOldestMessageOnDiskAge of the oldest message that PMQ is currently storing to disk for Interaction Processor server. This operation is common for Interaction Processor server, and should be a concern only if the time lag is larger than the default reporting period (30 minutes).statisticTimeDurationValue(s)
IP Server's PMQ Is Persisted To Disk inin.system.pmq:IpServerPersistedToDiskIndicates that PMQ is currently buffering IP Server messages to disk. This is a common occurrence for Stat Server since it periodically sends large amounts of data to the database. If the subsystem is connected to the database, and it has messages persisting to disk then you should examine the 'oldest message on disk' statistic to find out whether messages are flowing smoothly or are backed up.statisticIntValue(Messages)
IP's Oldest Message On Disk inin.system.pmq:IpOldestMessageOnDiskThis statistic indicates the age of the oldest message that PMQ is currently storing to disk for Interaction Processor server. This operation is common for Interaction Processor server, and should be a concern only if the time lag is larger than the default reporting period (30 minutes).statisticTimeDurationValue(s)
IP's PMQ Is Persisted To Disk inin.system.pmq:IpPersistedToDiskIndicates that PMQ is currently buffering Interaction Processor messages to disk. This is a common occurrence for Stat Server since it periodically sends large amounts of data to the database. If the subsystem is connected to the database, and it has messages persisting to disk then you should examine the 'oldest message on disk' statistic to find out whether messages are flowing smoothly or are backed up.statisticIntValue(Messages)
Recorder Server Errors Persisted To Disk inin.system.pmq:RecorderServerErrorsPersistedToDiskNumber of Recorder Server error objects that are currently persisted to disk.statisticIntValue(Messages)
Recorder Server Is Connected To DB inin.system.pmq:RecorderServerConnectedToDbIndicates whether or not Recorder Server's PMQ object currently has a connection to the database. Not having a connection only indicates an error if items are also being persisted to disk.statisticBoolValue
Recorder Server's Oldest Error On Disk inin.system.pmq:RecorderServerOldestErrorMessageOnDiskAge of the oldest error that Recorder Server is currently storing to disk.statisticTimeDurationValue(s)
Recorder Server's Oldest Message On Disk inin.system.pmq:RecorderServerOldestMessageOnDiskAge of the oldest message that PMQ is currently storing to disk for Recorder Server. This operation is common for Recorder Server, and should be a concern only if the time lag is larger than the default reporting period (30 minutes).statisticTimeDurationValue(s)
Recorder Server's PMQ Is Persisted To Disk inin.system.pmq:RecorderServerPersistedToDiskNumber of Recorder Server PMQ objects that are currently persisted to disk.statisticIntValue(Messages)
Stat Server Is Connected To DB inin.system.pmq:StatServerConnectedToDbIndicates whether or not Stat Server's PMQ object currently has a connection to the database. Not having a connection only indicates an error if items are also being persisted to disk.statisticBoolValue
Stat Server's Oldest Message On Disk inin.system.pmq:StatServerOldestMessageOnDiskAge of the oldest message that PMQ is currently storing to disk for Stat Server. This operation is common for Stat Server, and should be a concern only if the time lag is larger than the default reporting period (30 minutes).statisticTimeDurationValue(s)
Stat Server's PMQ Is Persisted To Disk inin.system.pmq:StatServerPersistedToDiskNumber of Stat Server PMQ objects that are currently persisted to disk.statisticIntValue(Messages)

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Collapse imageQueue Statistics

This category contains counts of active interactions in a queue

Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Interaction Count inin.queue:InteractionCountNumber of non-disconnected interactions of a specified type maintained by queue manager.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.Queue:Type
  • ININ.Queue:Name

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Collapse imageRecorder Statistics

Statistics for each server that can process recordings

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Recorder Client Access (I3_ACCESS_RECORDER_CLIENT)
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Available HTTP Client Connections inin.recorder:AvailableHttpConnectionsHTTP client threads available for accepting recordingsstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Available Local Disk Space inin.recorder:AvailableLocalDiskSpaceFree disk space for recordings on the local machine in gigabytesStatisticDoubleValue(GB)
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Available Log Disk Space inin.recorder:AvailableLoggingDiskSpaceFree disk space for logs in gigabytesStatisticDoubleValue(GB)
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Available Share Disk Space inin.recorder:AvailableShareDiskSpaceFree disk space for recordings on network shares in gigabytesStatisticDoubleValue(GB)
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Configured For Amazon S3 inin.recorder:ConnectedToS3Indicates whether or not Recorder Server is configured to use Amazon's Simple Storage Service.statisticBoolValue
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Failed Transfers Last Hour inin.recorder:FailedTransfersNumber of recordings failed to transfer last hourstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Memory Usage inin.recorder:MemoryUsageThe amount of paged physical memory (working set) that a content server is using, expressed in kilobytes.statisticIntValue(KB)
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Recordings Played Back Last Hour inin.recorder:RecordingsPlayedBackRecordings played back in the last hourstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Recordings Successfully Processed Last Hour inin.recorder:RecordingsSuccessfullyProcessedNumber of recordings successfully processed last hourstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer
Total CPU Usage inin.recorder:CpuUsageTotalThe value is the sum of CPU utilization reported by Windows across all cores present in the machine. A value of 100% on a four core machine would indicate that all cores are completely used.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.Recorder:ContentServer

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Collapse imageRecording

The statistics in this category describe activity in Interaction Recorder. These statistics are updated at the regular statistics interval.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Encumbered Recordings (last Hour) inin.system.recording:UnlicensedRecordingsLastHourNumber of recordings in the previous 60-minute interval where one or more of the internal participants does not have an Interaction Recorder Access license.statisticIntValue
Encumbered Recordings (today) inin.system.recording:UnlicensedRecordingsTodayNumber of recordings since midnight where one or more of the internal participants does not have an Interaction Recorder Access license.statisticIntValue
Recorder Database Is Available inin.system.recording:DatabaseAvailableIndicates whether the Interaction Recorder system can connect to its database.statisticBoolValue
Recorder Is Processing Recordings inin.system.recording:ProcessingRecordingsIndicates whether the Interaction Recorder system is currently processing recordings.statisticBoolValue
Recording Lag Time inin.system.recording:LagTimeIf this stat is increasing to a high level, it could indicate that more Media Servers or Remote Content Servers should be added.statisticTimeDurationValue
Recording Storage Locations inin.system.recording:NumberConnectedCaptureServersThe number of recording storage locations.statisticIntValue
Recording Storage Locations Low On Space inin.system.recording:NumberLowDiskCaptureServersThe number of recording storage locations that are 90% or more full.statisticIntValue
Recordings In Progress inin.system.recording:NumberOfRecordingInteractionNumber of recordings that Interaction Recorder is conducting.statisticIntValue
Successful Recordings (last Hour) inin.system.recording:SuccessProcessedLastHourNumber of successful recordings that occurred in the last sixty minutes.statisticIntValue
Successful Recordings (today) inin.system.recording:SuccessProcessedTodayNumber of successful recordings that occurred since midnight.statisticIntValue
Unsuccessful Recordings (last Hour) inin.system.recording:UnSuccessfullRecordingsLastHourThe number of failed recordings that occurred in the last sixty minutes.statisticIntValue
Unsuccessful Recordings (today) inin.system.recording:UnSuccessfullRecordingsTodayThe number of unsuccessful recordings that occurred since midnight.statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageSession Manager Statistics

Statistics for each running Session Manager are given both as a total and broken down by device type.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Session Count inin.sessionmanager:SessionCountThe number of active sessions that are currently running on the given Session Manager.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.SessionManager:Server
  • ININ.SessionManager:SessionManager
  • ININ.SessionManager:ProductId

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Collapse imageSpeech Recognition

The statistics in this category describe speech recognition activity in IC.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Current Speech Recognition Sessions inin.system.speechrecognition:CurrentRecognitionSessionsNumber of speech recognition sessions currently occurring in the system.statisticIntValue
Peak Number Of Recognition Sessions inin.system.speechrecognition:PeakRecognitionSessionsThe peak number of concurrent speech recognition sessions since the system was started. statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageStatAlertServer Statistics

Stats published by StatAlertServer which show information dealing with Stats, Alerts, and Memos

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Alert Rule Count inin.statalertserver:AlertRuleCountTotal number of Alert Rules known to StatAlertServerstatisticIntValue
AlertSet Count inin.statalertserver:AlertSetCountThe total number of AlertSets known to StatAlertServer.statisticIntValue
Expander Alert Count inin.statalertserver:ExpanderAlertCountThe number of Expander Alerts (ie. Time In Status) known to StatAlertServerstatisticIntValue
Total Alert Count inin.statalertserver:TotalAlertCountThe total number of alerts in the system, including the effective number alerts caused by the Expander Alerts.statisticIntValue
Total Memo Count inin.statalertserver:TotalMemoCountThe total number of Memos known to StatAlertServer.statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageTracker Server

These performance statistics indicate the overall health of Interaction Tracker Server in the previous ten minute interval.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Failed Tracker Transactions inin.system.trackerserver:FailedTransactionsNumber of transactions sent to Tracker Transaction Server in the last ten minute period that failed. A high value indicates that Tracker Transaction Server may be down.statisticIntValue
Interaction Segment Notifications inin.system.trackerserver:InteractionNotificationsNumber of update notifications sent by Queue Manager to Interaction Tracker. This indicates how busy the server is, after having processed state changes of objects in the system (e.g. hold to voice mail, etc.).statisticIntValue
Posted Tracker Transactions inin.system.trackerserver:PostedTransactionsNumber of transactions sent to Tracker Transaction Server for processing in the last ten minute period.statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageTransaction Server

Transaction Server statistics indicate the overall health of Transaction Server-a generic transaction server for recording, logging, etc. These performance statistics indicate the overall health of Transaction Server in the previous ten minute interval.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: System Status (I3_ACCESS_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Average Successful Transaction Time inin.system.transactionserver:AverageTimeForSuccessfulAverage amount of time that Transaction Server needed to process a transaction in the previous ten minute interval.StatisticDoubleValue
Executed Transactions inin.system.transactionserver:ExecutedTransactionsNumber of transactions that Transaction Server successfully executed in the previous ten minute interval.statisticIntValue
Failed Transactions inin.system.transactionserver:FailedTransactionsNumber of transactions that Transaction Server failed to execute in the previous ten minute interval. A high value could indicate that database errors are occurring.statisticIntValue

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Collapse imageWorkgroup Statistics

Workgroup statistics summarize ACD interactions, number of agents logged on, and other particulars that are common to the workgroup as a whole. The workgroup may or may not have associated queues.

Statistics in this category require at least one of the following licenses:
  • Client Access (I3_ACCESS_CLIENT)
  • Interaction Supervisor Plug-In: Workgroup (I3_ACCESS_WORKGROUP_SUPERVISOR_PLUGIN)
Title / Statistic IDDescriptionType (Units)Parameter Set(s)
Abandon Rate Distributions inin.workgroup:AbandonedRateDistributionAbandoned rate distribution for an accumulative/partial sum bucket, workgroup, interaction type and time interval. The number of abandoned calls for each bucket is divided by the number of call that entered into the workgroup queue to represent this value in percentage. statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:AccumulativeHistogramInterval
- or -
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:PartialSumHistogramInterval
Abandon Rate Missed Target inin.workgroup:AbandonedRateMissedTargetThe number of calls that are abandoned outside of the service level target. It divides that number with the number of calls that entered into the workgroup queue to get this value in percentage. statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Abandon Rate Target inin.workgroup:AbandonedRateTargetThis statistics represent abandoned calls that happened within the service level target configuration. In addition, the number of those calls is divided by the number of calls that entered into the workgroup queue to represent this value in percentage. statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Agents Available inin.workgroup:AgentsAvailableThe Available Agent Count of logged on agents that are available for ACD interactions. See definitions for Logged On and Available to take ACD interactions.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Agents In Status inin.workgroup:AgentsInStatusNumber of agents in a particular status.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.People:Status
Available For ACD Interactions inin.workgroup:NumberAvailableForACDInteractionsThe number of agents available to take ACD interactions. An agent is considered to be available to take ACD interactions if all of the following apply: a) the agent is not on another interaction, b) the agent has an available status, c) the agent is logged on, d) the agent is activated on the specified workgroup.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Average Agent Negative Score inin.workgroup:AverageAgentNegativeKwScoreSum up agent negative score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Agent Positive Score inin.workgroup:AverageAgentPositiveKwScoreSum up agent positive score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Customer Negative Score inin.workgroup:AverageCustomerNegativeKwScoreSum up customer negative score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Customer Positive Score inin.workgroup:AverageCustomerPositiveKwScoreSum up customer positive score divided by the total number of calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Hold Time inin.workgroup:AverageHoldTimeTotal amount of hold time that on different ACD interactions, divided by number of ACD interactions handled by All Agents.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Talk Time inin.workgroup:AverageTalkTimeTotal amount of time that All Agents spent on different ACD interactions, divided by number of ACD interactions handled by All Agents.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Average Wait Time inin.workgroup:AverageWaitTimeThe total time that different ACD interactions waited in the Workgroup Queue before they were ACD assigned, divided by number of ACD interactions for the period reported.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Highest Active Agent Positive Score inin.workgroup:BestActiveAgentKwScoreHighest agent positive score for active callsstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Highest Active Customer Positive Score inin.workgroup:BestActiveCustomerKwScoreHighest customer positive score for active callsstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Interactions Abandoned inin.workgroup:InteractionsAbandonedNumber of interactions that were externally disconnected by the remote party before they could be client connected (picked up by an agent). Tip: the IC data dictionary provides supplemental information about abandoned calls.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Answered inin.workgroup:InteractionsAnsweredNumber of interactions answered, calculated as the number of ACD interactions from the specified workgroup that went to a Connected state in the agent's queue.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Answered inin.workgroup:InteractionsConnectedTotal number of interactions answered, which went from ACD - Wait Agent to ACD - Assigned.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Interactions Completed inin.workgroup:InteractionsCompletedNumber of interactions completed (that went from a state of ACD - Assigned to ACD - Disconnected).statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Flowed-Out inin.workgroup:InteractionsFlowedOutNumber of interactions flowed-out.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Held inin.workgroup:TotalInteractionsOnHoldNumber of interactions held.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions On Hold inin.workgroup:InteractionsOnHoldNumber of interactions currently on hold.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Interactions Received inin.workgroup:InteractionsEnteredTotal number of interactions that entered the queue.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Interactions Waiting inin.workgroup:InteractionsWaitingNumber of interactions waiting to be connected to an agent. These interactions are currently in the ACD - Wait Agent state.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Logged On inin.workgroup:LoggedInThe number of agents logged on for the specified workgroup. This is also the number of agents who are logged on the current server. This count does not include agents who are logged on to peer servers for the same workgroup.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Logged On + Activated inin.workgroup:AgentsLoggedInAndActivatedThe number of activated agents logged on for the specified workgroup.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Logged On Agents In This Workgroup inin.workgroup:AgentsLoggedInNumber of logged on agents in this workgroup.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Longest Available inin.workgroup:LongestAvailableLongest period of time an agent is available. In other words, the duration of the longest available agent to take an ACD interaction for the specified workgroups. See Available to take ACD interactions.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Longest Hold Time inin.workgroup:LongestOnHoldTimeTime of the longest currently on hold interaction. This interaction has been in a Hold state the longest.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Longest Inbound ACD Interaction inin.workgroup:LongestInboundACDInteractionDuration of the longest of the currently active inbound ACD interactions, or N/A if there is no inbound ACD interaction active.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Longest Interaction Waiting inin.workgroup:LongestWaitTimeTime of the longest currently waiting interaction. This interaction has been in the ACD - Wait Agent state the longest. Its duration is the amount of time that the interaction has waited to be picked up by an available agent, based on time in queue only. Supervisor workflow statistics always pertain to time in a workgroup or user interaction. Overall time in the system (such as time in IVR) is not counted.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Longest Non-ACD Interaction inin.workgroup:LongestNonACDInteractionDuration of the longest of the currently active non-ACD interactions, or N/A if there is not an active non-ACD interaction.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Longest Outbound ACD Interaction inin.workgroup:LongestOutboundACDInteractionDuration of the longest active outbound ACD interaction, or N/A if there is no active outbound ACD interaction.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Longest Talk Time inin.workgroup:LongestTalkTimeTime of the longest currently connected interaction. This interaction has been in a Connected state the longest.statisticTimeDurationValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Lowest Active Agent Negative Score inin.workgroup:WorstActiveAgentKwScoreLowest agent negative score for active callsstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Lowest Active Customer Negative Score inin.workgroup:WorstActiveCustomerKwScoreLowest customer negative score for active callsstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Not Available For ACD Interactions inin.workgroup:NotAvailableNumber of agents not available to take ACD interactions. The number of logged on and active agents minus the agents available for any interaction.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
On Inbound ACD Interactions inin.workgroup:OnInboundACDInteractionsNumber of agents on inbound ACD interactions.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
On Inbound ACW inin.workgroup:OnInboundACWNumber of agents performing after call wrap-up work after receiving an ACD interaction.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
On Non-ACD Interactions inin.workgroup:NonACDInteractionsNumber of agents on non-ACD interactions.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
On Outbound ACD Interactions inin.workgroup:OnOutboundACDInteractionsNumber of agents on outbound ACD interactions. statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
On Outbound ACW inin.workgroup:OnOutboundACWNumber of agents performing after call wrap-up work to conclude an outbound ACD interaction.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Percent Available inin.workgroup:PercentAvailablePercent of logged on agents that are available for ACD interactions. ((available to take ACD interactions / logged on) * 100)statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Service Level Distributions inin.workgroup:ServiceLevelDistributionThe interactions that connected callers to agents within a specified time interval. The number of answered calls for each bucket is divided by the number of calls answered in the workgroup queue to represent this value in percentage.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:AccumulativeHistogramInterval
- or -
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
  • ININ.Queue:PartialSumHistogramInterval
Service Level Missed Target inin.workgroup:ServiceLevelMissedTargetThe number of calls answered that did not make the service level target. The number of those calls is divided by the number of calls answered for the workgroup queue to represent this value in percentage. statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Service Level Target inin.workgroup:ServiceLevelTargetThe number of calls answered that within the service level target configuration (inclusive) for the given workgroup queue, interaction type and interval (current period, shift, etc). The number of answered calls for each bucket is divided by the number of calls answered for the workgroup queue to represent this value in percentage.statisticPercentValue(%)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queues:InteractionType
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Agent Negative Score inin.workgroup:TotalAgentNegativeKwScoreSum up agent negative score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Agent Positive Score inin.workgroup:TotalAgentPositiveKwScoreSum up agent positive score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Agents inin.workgroup:TotalAgentsTotal number of agents in the specified workgroups. This is typically the number of users that are members of the specified workgroup on the current server. This statistic does not take into account members of the same workgroup on peer servers.statisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
Total Customer Negative Score inin.workgroup:TotalCustomerNegativeKwScoreSum up customer negative score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Customer Positive Score inin.workgroup:TotalCustomerPositiveKwScoreSum up customer positive score from calls in the current/previous period or shiftstatisticIntValue
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Hold Time inin.workgroup:TotalHoldTimeTotal amount of hold time that on different ACD interactions.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Talk Time inin.workgroup:TotalTalkTimeTotal amount of time that All Agents spent on different ACD interactions.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval
Total Wait Time inin.workgroup:TotalWaitTimeThe total time that different ACD interactions waited in the Workgroup Queue before they were ACD assigned.statisticDurationValue(s)
  • ININ.People.WorkgroupStats:Workgroup
  • ININ.Queue:Interval

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