The Session type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAdditionalUtcOffset
Gets or sets an additional clock skew for the session.
Public propertyAttemptToSetThreadCulture
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to attempt to set IceLib's background threads' CurrentUICulture.
Public propertyAutoReconnectEnabled
Enables or disables automatic reconnection attempts when the connection is lost.
Public propertyAutoReconnecting
Identifies whether an AutoReconnect is in the process of occurring.
Public propertyClockSkew
Gets the clock skew.
Public propertyConnectionState
Gets the current ConnectionState of the Session.
Public propertyConnectionStateMessage
Gets the most recent text description of the state of the Session.
Public propertyConnectionStateReason
Gets the current ConnectionStateReason of the Session.
Public propertyCultureInfo
Gets the culture info, as specified by SessionSettings.IsoLanguage.
Public propertyCustomerName
Gets the name of the customer to whom IC is licensed.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets the display name for the logged in user.
Public propertyEffectiveStation
Gets the effective station that the user is logged in to.

Collapse imageRemarks

This value is initially set to Empty, and will be updated after the session user logs into a station.
Public propertyEndpoint
Returns a new HostEndpoint containing the details of the currently connected HostEndpoint.
Public propertyICServer
Gets the name of the IC server to which the session is connected.
Public propertyInteractionCenterReleaseVersion
Gets the release version information of the Interaction Center to which the session is connected (if available).
Public propertyIsEncrypted Obsolete.
Returns whether the current connection is encrypted.
Public propertyRawSessionId
The internal Session ID as a UInt32.
Public propertySensitiveDataContext
Gets the sensitive data context for this session.
Public propertySessionId
The internal Session ID.
Public propertySessionManagerName
Gets the relative distinguished name (RDN) of the SessionManager to which the session is connected.
Public propertySessionManagerNameFQDN
Gets the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the SessionManager to which the session is connected.
Public propertySessionManagerReleaseVersion
Gets the release version information of the Session Manager to which the session is connected (if available).
Public propertySessionManagerVersion
Gets the version number of the SessionManager to which the session is connected (if available).
Public propertySupportedMedia
Gets the supported media flags (SupportedMedia).
Public propertyUserAgreement
Gets the user agreement text.
Public propertyUserId
Gets the ID of the logged in IC user.
Public propertyUserLogOnId
Gets the log on ID of the logged in IC user.

Collapse imageSee Also