The AssistanceItem type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAssistanceItemId
Gets the ID of the assistance request.
Public propertyExtension
Gets the agent's extension.
Public propertyInitiatingUser
Gets the participant that initiated the assistance request.
Public propertyInitiationTime
Gets the date and time the assistance request was initiated.
Public propertyInteractionId
Gets the interaction ID associated with the assistance request.
Public propertyMessages
Gets the messages associated with the assistance request.
Public propertyParticipants
Gets the participants involved in the assistance request.
Public propertyProblemDescription
Gets the problem description for the assistance request.
Public propertyState
Gets the state of the assistance request.
Public propertyStation
Gets the agent's station.
Public propertyWorkgroup
Gets the workgroup that the assistance request belongs to.

Collapse imageSee Also