The ContactDirectory type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageConstructors

Public methodContactDirectory(DirectoriesManager, DirectoryMetadata)
Initializes a new instance of the ContactDirectory class.
Public methodContactDirectory(DirectoriesManager, DirectoryMetadata, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the ContactDirectory class with optional client side caching.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodCanCreateEntry
Determines whether the user associated with this session can create a new contact entry.
Public methodCanDeleteEntry
Determines whether the user associated with this session can delete the contact entry.
Public methodCanRefreshContacts
Determines wether the user associated with this session can send refresh the contacts in this directory.
Public methodCanUpdateEntry
Determines whether the user associated with this session can update the contact entry.
Public methodCanUpdatePrimaryNumberDesignation
Determines whether the user associated with this session can update the primary number designation for the contact entry.
Public methodChangeWatched
A synchronous request to change the watch.
Public methodChangeWatchedAsync
An asynchronous request to change the watch.
Public methodCreateContactEntry
Creates the contact entry.
Public methodCreateContactEntryAsync
An asynchronous request to create a contact entry.
Public methodCreateSpeedDialLink
Creates a link from a speed dial directory to a contact entry in the current directory. The speed dial directory is a directory containing links to other directories' contact entries.
Public methodCreateSpeedDialLinkAsync
Creates the speed dial link asynchronously.
Public methodDeleteContactEntry
Deletes the contact entry.
Public methodDeleteContactEntryAsync
An asynchronous request to delete the contact entry.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetCachedDirectory
Gets a contact directory from local cache when working offline.
Public methodGetEntry
Gets an entry based on its EntryId.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetList
Gets the list of ContactEntry instances watched for a given directory.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsWatching
Determines whether a watch is active.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRefreshContacts
A synchronous method to refesh the contacts in this directory.
Public methodRefreshContactsAsync
A synchronous method to refresh the contacts in this directory.
Public methodStartWatching()()()()
A synchronous request to query and watch contact entries.
Public methodStartWatching(ContactDirectoryWatchSettings)
A synchronous request to query and watch contact entries.
Public methodStartWatchingAsync(AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object)
An asynchronous request to query and watch contact entrys.
Public methodStartWatchingAsync(ContactDirectoryWatchSettings, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object)
An asynchronous request to query and watch contact entrys.
Public methodStartWatchingAsyncCancel
Public methodStopWatching
A synchronous method to stop watching a directory .
Public methodStopWatchingAsync
A synchronous method to stop watching a directory.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Public methodUpdateContactEntry
Updates the contact entry.
Public methodUpdateContactEntryAsync
Starts an asynchronous update of a contact entry.
Public methodUpdateSpeedDialLink
Updates the contact entry link.
Public methodUpdateSpeedDialLinkAsync
Updates the contact entry link asynchronously.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyDirectoriesManager
Gets the directories manager.
Public propertyFilteredCount
Gets the total number of entries that match a filter for a view.
Public propertyMetadata
Gets the metadata.
Public propertyPendingStatus
Identifies if this contact directory has pending contact entries that still need to be loaded from the Interaction Center server.
Public propertyTotalCount
Gets the total count of entries in the contact directory that is being watched.

Collapse imageEvents

Public eventContactCountChanged
Occurs when the number of contacts in this ContactEntry has changed.
Public eventContactDirectoryChanged
Occurs when one of the ContactEntry watched objects has changed.
Public eventStartWatchingProgressChanged

Collapse imageSee Also