The UserRightsAttributes type exposes the following members.

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Public fieldStatic memberAllowAccessToProblemReporter
Allows the user to use ProblemReporter.
Public fieldStatic memberAllowForceUserLogout
Provides access to Force User Logout.
Public fieldStatic memberAllowIntercomChat
Allows users to use intercom chat.
Public fieldStatic memberAllowMiniMode
Allows the user to user mini mode.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessAllConferences
Provides access to all conferences.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessOptimizerShiftTrading
This right controls if an agent with optimizer thinclient plugin license would be able to access shift trading feature.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessOrbitQueue
Permits access to orbit queue.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessOwnConferences
Provides access to conferences that the user owns.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessPersonalRules
Provides access to personal rules.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessResponseManagement
Permits access to response management.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessTrackerInteractions
Permits access to tracker interactions.
Public fieldStatic memberCanAccessWorkgroupProfilesTab
Permits access to workgroups / profiles tab.
Public fieldStatic memberCanChangePhoneticSettings
Allows the user to modify the phonetic spellings for their name.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCoachInteractions
Permits the user to add themselves to another agent's call on any user or station queue they have permission to monitor.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCreateConferenceCalls
Permits access to create conference calls.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCreateOptimizerActivityCodes
This right controls if a user can create optimizer activity codes.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCreateOptimizerDayClassifications
This right controls if a user can create optimizer day classifications.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCreateOptimizerSchedulingUnit
This right controls if a user can create an optimizer scheduling unit.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCreateSpeedDials
Permits access to create speed dials.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCreateStatusNotes
Permits access to create status notes.
Public fieldStatic memberCanCustomizeClient
Allows the user to customize their client.
Public fieldStatic memberCanDeleteOptimizerActivityCodes
This right controls if a user can delete optimizer activity codes.
Public fieldStatic memberCanDeleteOptimizerDayClassifications
This right controls if a user can delete optimizer day classifications.
Public fieldStatic memberCanDeleteOptimizerSchedulingUnit
This right controls if a user can delete an optimizer scheduling unit.
Public fieldStatic memberCanDisconnectInteractions
Permits the user to disconnect the current call.
Public fieldStatic memberCanHavePrivateInteractions
Allows the user to view the private button and to prevent other users from recording or listening to their conversation.
Public fieldStatic memberCanHoldInteractions
Permits users to place the selected call on hold.
Public fieldStatic memberCanInitiateSecureInput
Permits users to initiate a secure input session.
Public fieldStatic memberCanJoinInteractions
Permits users who are supervisors to join in on an interaction between other agents.
Public fieldStatic memberCanListenOnInteraction
Allows the user to view the listen button and to listen to another interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberCanModifyOptimizerActivityCodes
This right controls if a user can modify optimizer activity codes.
Public fieldStatic memberCanModifyOptimizerDayClassifications
This right controls if a user can modify optimizer day classifications.
Public fieldStatic memberCanModifyOptimizerStatusToActivityTypeMapping
This right controls if a user can modify optimizer status to activity type mapping.
Public fieldStatic memberCanMuteInteractions
Permits the user to disable the mouthpiece on their telephones so that the other party or parties cannot hear what is being said.
Public fieldStatic memberCanParkInteractions
Permits users to park interactions.
Public fieldStatic memberCanPauseInteractions
Permits users to control a recording session by stopping the session.
Public fieldStatic memberCanPickupInteractions
Permits users to answer the current call, or to take the current call off hold.
Public fieldStatic memberCanRecordInteraction
Allows the user to view the record button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanRequestSupervisorAssistance
Permits users who are members of a distribution queue to request assistance from a supervisor.
Public fieldStatic memberCanSecureRecordingPauseInteractions
Permits users to control all recording sessions by pausing each session for an administrator configured period of time.
Public fieldStatic memberCanSendInteractionsToVoicemail
Permits users to send an interaction to their voice mail account.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowAssistanceButton
Allows users that are members of a distribution queue to view the assistance button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowCoachButton
Allows the user to view the coach button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowDisconnectButton
Allows the user to view the disconnect button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowHoldButton
Allows the user to view the hold button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowJoinButton
Allows the user to view the join button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowMuteButton
Allows the user to view the mute button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowParkButton
Allows the user to view the park button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowPauseButton
Allows the user to view the pause button for a recording session.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowPickupButton
Allows the user to view the pickup button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowRecordingSnipButton
Allows the user to view the recording snip button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowSecureInputButton
Allows users to view the secure input button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowSecureRecordingPauseButton
Allows the user to view the Secure Recording Pause button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowTransferButton
Allows the user to view the transfer button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanShowVoicemailButton
Allows the user to view the voice mail button.
Public fieldStatic memberCanSnipRecording
Permits the user to create a recording snippet for the current interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberCanSubmitTimeOff
This right controls if an agent with optimizer thinclient plugin license would be able to create, edit, or delete time off requests.
Public fieldStatic memberCanTransferInteractions
Permits users to open the transfer window where they can select a transfer recipient and the type of transfer operation they want to perform.
Public fieldStatic memberCanViewOptimizerActivityCodes
This right controls if a user can view optimizer activity codes.
Public fieldStatic memberCanViewOptimizerDayClassifications
This right controls if a user can view optimizer day classifications.
Public fieldStatic memberCanViewOptimizerStatusToActivityTypeMapping
This right controls if a user can view optimizer status to activity type mapping.
Public fieldStatic memberCloudWorkforceEngagementAdministrator
Permits the user to administer Genesys Cloud Workforce Engagement components.
Public fieldStatic memberConfiguredForOutlookIntegration
This right specificies if the user is configured for Outlook Integration.
Public fieldStatic memberMinimizeClientToNotificationArea
Should the client be minimized to notification area instead of taskbar.
Public fieldStatic memberPersistentConnection
Allows the user to start a remote client with the persistent option.
Public fieldStatic memberShowAgentPreferences
This right controls if an agent with optimizer thinclient plugin license would be able to see and access "Schedule Preferences" menu item.
Public fieldStatic memberShowAgentRank
This right controls if an agent can see his rank in optimizer agent group
Public fieldStatic memberShowAgentRelativeRank
This right controls if an agent can see his relative rank in optimizer agent group
Public fieldStatic memberShowMonitorColumns
Allows the user to show monitor columns.
Public fieldStatic memberShowScheduleBidding
This right controls if an agent with optimizer thinclient plugin license would be able to see and access "Schedule Bidding" menu item

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