The HistoryItem type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyBeginTime
Gets the time the interaction began.
Public propertyDirection
Gets the direction of the interaction.
Public propertyEndTime
Gets the time the interaction was disconnected or left the queue.
Public propertyInteractionId
Gets the interaction ID of the Interaction to which the history data corresponds.
Public propertyInteractionLog
Gets log information about the interaction as a string.
Public propertyItemFlags
Gets flags indicating the status of the interaction.
Public propertyLocalAddress
Gets the address of the local party.
Public propertyLocalId
Gets the displayable address of local party.
Public propertyLocalName
Gets the displayable name of the local party.
Public propertyNotes
Gets the notes that were added to the interaction.
Public propertyRemoteAddress
Gets the address of the remote party.
Public propertyRemoteId
Gets the remote party ID as a friendly display value.
Public propertyRemoteName
Gets the displayable name of the remote party.

Collapse imageSee Also