The PasswordPolicy type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAccountLockoutDuration
Gets the account lockout duration.
Public propertyAccountLockoutResetTime
Gets the account lockout reset time.
Public propertyAllSequentialDigitsAllowed
Gets a value indicating whether all sequential digits is allowed.
Public propertyCurrentAge
Gets the current age.
Public propertyLastLockoutTime
Gets the last lockout time in UTC.
Public propertyLastPasswordSetTime
Gets the last password set time in UTC.
Public propertyMaximumAge
Gets the maximum age.
Public propertyMaximumAllowedLoginAttempts
Gets the maximum allowed login attempts.
Public propertyMaximumNagPeriod
Gets the maximum nag period.
Public propertyMinimumAge
Gets the minimum age.
Public propertyMinimumLength
Gets the minimum length.
Public propertyMinimumLowercaseCharacters
Gets the minimum number of lowercase characters.
Public propertyMinimumNumericCharacters
Gets the minimum number of numeric characters.
Public propertyMinimumSpecialCharacters
Gets the minimum number of special characters.
Public propertyMinimumUppercaseCharacters
Gets the minimum number of uppercase characters.
Public propertyMustChangePassword
Gets a value indicating whether the user must change their password.
Public propertyMustChangePasswordTime
Gets the must change password time in UTC.
Public propertySpecialCharacters
Gets the special characters.
Public propertyUniquenessConstraint
Gets the uniqueness constraint.

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