The ININ.IceLib.Connection.Extensions namespace contains classes to support advanced connection-related features.

This includes retrieving ServerParameters, setting the user's password, persisting custom settings to the IC server, sending or receiving a CustomNotification, and watching for creation of other Sessions.

Collapse imageClasses

Public classCheckForApplicationBasedSettingsCompletedEventArgs
Public classCustomMessage
Represents a custom notification message received from the IC server.
Public classCustomMessageHeader
Indentifies the type of a CustomMessage.
Public classCustomNotification
Provides functionality for sending and receiving notifications to and from custom handlers and IceLib applications.
Public classCustomNotificationReceivedEventArgs
Provides definition for the CustomNotificationReceived event of CustomNotification.
Public classCustomProfile
Allows storage of custom application settings to the Interaction Center server.
Public classCustomProfileParameters
Class used to specify the parameters for creating am application-based CustomProfile object via GetApplicationCustomProfile(CustomProfileParameters).
Public classCustomRequest
Represents a custom notification request sent to the IC server.
Public classCustomResponse
Represents a custom notification response to reply to the IC server.
Public classGetNamespaceContentsCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for the asynchronous completed events of CustomProfile.
Public classGetProfileItemCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for the asynchronous completed events of CustomProfile.
Public classGetServerParametersCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for asynchronous completed events of ServerParameters.
Public classPasswordEventArgs
This class implements event arguments for the PasswordExpired and PasswordEnteredNagPeriod events.
Public classPasswordPolicy
Defines password policy for a given user, for use with the Security class.
Public classPasswordPolicyAsyncCompletedEventArgs
Public classProblemReporter
Used to submit a problem report along with a subject, description, and related files.
Public classProfileItem
Represents a custom application setting that will be persisted to the Interaction Center server.
Public classProxyAlternateWindowsAuthSettings
Passed to a Session in order to authenticate an Interaction Center user that is creating a session on behalf of another Interaction Center user (through windows authentication).
Public classProxyAuthSettings
Passed to a Session in order to authenticate an Interaction Center user that is creating a session on behalf of another Interaction Center user.
Public classProxyWindowsAuthSettings
Passed to a Session in order to authenticate an Interaction Center user (through windows authentication) that is creating a session on behalf of another Interaction Center user.
Public classSecurity
Provides access to the Session user's password policy and allows for setting of the password.
Public classSendCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for the SendServerRequest method of CustomNotification completedCallback delegate of CustomNotification.
Public classServerParameter
Provides information about a server parameter within the Interaction Center system.
Public classServerParameters
Allows querying and watching of server parameters within the Interaction Center system.
Public classServerParametersChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the ServerParametersChanged event.
Public classSessionWatch
Allows watching for login/logout events for users, all users on a station, or all users on a computer.
Public classSessionWatchAsyncEventArgs
Provides data for the asynchronous completed events of SessionWatch.
Public classSessionWatchedUserAddedRemovedEventArgs
Provides data for the watched user added and watched user removed events.
Public classSessionWatchedUserChangedEventArgs Obsolete.
Provides data for the watched user changed event.
Public classSessionWatchId
Identifies a watched session for the SessionWatch class.
Public classSessionWatchSettings
Describes session, station, and machine data for a watched session.

Collapse imageEnumerations

Public enumerationCustomMessageType
Represents the type of Custom Messages.
Public enumerationProxyTargetUserType
Used to specify if the target user is an IC user or a Windows user.
Public enumerationRestrictCacheRefreshOptions
Represents the options for restricting custom profile cache refreshing for a CustomProfile.
Public enumerationSessionWatchType
Describes the type of Session Watch to perform.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 GA and beyond.