The InteractionsManager type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodAddWrapUpAssignment
Adds a WrapUpAssignment to a segment of the target interaction.
Public methodAddWrapUpAssignmentAsync
Asynchronously adds a WrapUpAssignment to a segment of the target interaction.
Public methodConsultMakeCall(CallInteractionParameters)
Makes a consult call using the values specified in the CallInteractionParameters parameter.
Public methodConsultMakeCall(String, CallMadeStage)
Makes a consult call given a string specifying the target and a CallMadeStage value.
Public methodConsultMakeCall(QueueId, CallMadeStage)
Makes a consult call given a QueueId for the target and a CallMadeStage value.
Public methodConsultMakeCallAsync(CallInteractionParameters, EventHandler<(Of <<'(InteractionCompletedEventArgs>)>>), Object)
Asynchronously makes a consult call using the values specified in the CallInteractionParameters parameter. The handler specified by completedCallback is invoked when the operation is completed.
Public methodConsultMakeCallAsync(String, CallMadeStage, EventHandler<(Of <<'(InteractionCompletedEventArgs>)>>), Object)
Asynchronously makes a consult call given a string specifying the target and a CallMadeStage value. The handler specified by completedCallback is invoked when the operation is completed.
Public methodConsultMakeCallAsync(QueueId, CallMadeStage, EventHandler<(Of <<'(InteractionCompletedEventArgs>)>>), Object)
Asynchronously makes a consult call given a QueueId specifying the target and a CallMadeStage value. The handler specified by completedCallback is invoked when the operation is completed.
Public methodCreateInteraction
Creates an Interaction instance for a given ID.
Public methodCreateInteractionAsync
Asynchronously creates an Interaction instance for a given ID.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetInstance
Gets an InteractionsManager.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInviteParty
Invites a party to a conference.
Public methodInvitePartyAsync
Asynchronously invites a party to a conference.
Public methodMakeCall
Makes the call.
Public methodMakeCallAsync
Asynchronously makes a call.
Public methodMakeCallbackInteraction
Makes a callback interaction.
Public methodMakeCallbackInteractionAsync
Asynchronously makes a callback interaction.
Public methodMakeChat
Makes a chat.
Public methodMakeChatAsync
Asynchronously makes a chat.
Public methodMakeConsultTransfer
Makes a consult transfer using the values specified in the ConsultTransferParameters parameter.
Public methodMakeConsultTransferAsync
Asynchronously makes a consult transfer call using the values specified in the ConsultTransferParameters parameter. The handler specified by completedCallback is invoked when the operation is completed.
Public methodMakeEmail
Makes the email.
Public methodMakeEmailAsync
Asynchronously makes an email.
Public methodMakeGenericInteraction
Makes a generic interaction.
Public methodMakeGenericInteractionAsync
Asynchronously makes a generic interaction.
Public methodMakeNewConference
Makes the new conference.
Public methodMakeNewConferenceAsync
Asynchronously makes the new conference.
Public methodMakeRemoteNumberConnection
Makes a connection to a Remote Number.
Public methodMakeRemoteNumberConnectionAsync
Asynchronously makes a connection to a Remote Number.
Public methodMakeStationConnection
Makes a connection to a station.
Public methodMakeStationConnectionAsync
Asynchronously makes a connection to a station.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQueryPhoneNumberDetails
Queries phone number details.
Public methodQueryPhoneNumberDetailsAsync
Asynchronously queries phone number details.
Public methodSendAssistanceRequest
Sends an assistance request.
Public methodSendAssistanceRequestAsync
Asynchronously sends an assistance request.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertySensitiveAttributeDataContext
Gets the sensitive attribute data context for this session.
Public propertySession
Gets the Session with which this StatisticsManager is associated.

Collapse imageEvents

Public eventCallMade
Occurs when a MakeCall type operation completes.
Public eventInteractionAutoAnswered
Occurs when an Interaction is automatically answered.
Public eventPerformedAction
Occurs after an Action is performed on any Interaction in the Session.
Public eventPerformingAction
Occurs when an Action is performed on any Interaction in the Session.

Collapse imageSee Also