The ClientMemoAlertAction type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyActionId
Gets the action ID.
(Inherited from AlertAction.)
Public propertyAlertRule
Gets the AlertRule that this AlertAction participates in.
(Inherited from AlertAction.)
Public propertyAlertSetId
Gets the ID of the alert set.
Public propertyCanExpire
Gets a value indicating if the message can expire.
Public propertyCreatedOn
Gets the time that the ClientMemoAlertAction was created.
Public propertyDisplayUrl
Gets a value indicating whether to display a URL.
Public propertyExpiration
Gets the time that the ClientMemoAlertAction will expire.
Public propertyIconFile
Gets the icon file.
Public propertyIsEditable
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is editable.
(Inherited from AlertAction.)
Public propertyMessageId
Gets the ID of the message.
Public propertyMessageName
Gets the name of the message.
Public propertyMessageText
Gets the message text.
Public propertyPlaySound
Gets a value indicating whether to play a sound.
Public propertyPopupType
Gets whether or not this is a pop-up type.
Public propertyRecipients
Gets the list of recipients.
Public propertySenderDisplayName
Gets the display name of the sender.
Public propertySenderId
Gets the ID of the sender.
Public propertySendToAlertSetSubscribers
Gets a value indicating whether to send the memo to all the subscribers of the AlertSet.
Public propertyShowIcon
Gets a value indicating whether to show an icon.
Public propertySoundFile
Gets the sound file.
Public propertyTargetId
Gets the target ID. Who the alert action is destined for.
(Inherited from AlertAction.)
Public propertyUrl
Gets the URL.

Collapse imageSee Also