The EmailContent type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyBccRecipients
Gets the 'bcc' recipients.
Public propertyBodies
Gets the bodies of a multi-part email message.
Public propertyBody
Gets or sets the text body of the Email message.
Public propertyCcRecipients
Gets the 'cc' recipients.
Public propertyDateReceived
Gets the time that this email was received.
Public propertyDigitalSignatures
Gets the read only collection of digital signatures.
Public propertyEncryptionCertificate
Gets the encryption certificate.
Public propertyFileAttachments
Gets the read only collection of file attachments.
Public propertyInteractionId
Gets the ID of the Interaction.
Public propertyMessageAttachments
Gets the read only collection of message attachments.
Public propertyReplyToRecipients
Gets the 'reply-to' recipients.
Public propertySender
Gets or sets the sender.
Public propertySubject
Gets or sets the subject.
Public propertyToRecipients
Gets the 'to' recipients.

Collapse imageSee Also