The StatisticStringValue type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyDefinition
Gets the definition.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Public propertyErrorReason
Gets a value indicating the reason the StatisticValue could not be retrieved.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Public propertyIsError
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is in an error state. This statistic has not been properly received from the server and should not be trusted.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Public propertyIsNull
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
In addition to a nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value, this object may be in an error state. See IsError.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Public propertyNullDisplayString
Returns the display string that is used to display a statistic with a nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Protected propertyStatisticErrorValueString
Returns the display string that is used to display a statistic with an error.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Public propertyTimeSpanWithDayFormatString
Returns the display string that is used to display a TimeSpan that contains a day.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Public propertyTimeSpanWithoutDayFormatString
Returns the display string that is used to display a TimeSpan that does not contains a day.
(Inherited from StatisticValue.)
Public propertyValue
Gets the value.

Collapse imageSee Also