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Configure a Pie Gadget

You can configure and apply styles to a Pie gadget once it's added to a dashboard. Make sure that you have your data sources set up before configuring a gadget. For more information, see the topics under Data Sources.

To configure a Pie gadget

  1. Click the arrow next to the Pie gadget title. The configuration options appear.

Pie gadget

[Title]: Title of the gadget.

[Data Source]: Data source that provides the data that populates the pie chart. If you assigned a data source to the pie chart, the Data Source icon appears. Otherwise, the Data Source title appears.

Legend Position: Location on the pie chart to display the data legend. The legend tells you what each pie slice represents on the pie chart.

Category: Category to display on the x-axis of the pie chart.

Value: Value to display on the y-axis of the pie chart.

Format: Format to apply to the values when they display on the pie chart (for example, integer, money, decimal, percent).

Label: Label to display for each pie slice on the pie chart.

Advanced: Shows or hides the advanced configuration options.

  1. Double-click PieGadget and type a title for the gadget.

  2. In the Data Sources box, click a data source.

Data Sources

  1. Drag the data source onto the Data Source icon Data Source icon in the Pie gadget, and drop it when the plus sign (+) appears. If no data sources exist, see the Data Sources topics for instructions on adding a specific data source.

  2. Select the Legend Position, Category, Value, Format, and Label.

  3. Click Advanced. The advanced options appear.

Pie gadget - advanced options

Show Title: If selected, includes the gadget title when the pie chart displays on the dashboard.

Show Box: If selected, displays a border around the pie chart.

Style: CSS code for the style to apply to the pie chart. For example, to display the background of the pie chart in red, in the Style box, type "background-color:red". To apply multiple styles to the pie chart, separate the CSS code with a semi-colon. For example, to display the background of the pie chart in red with a solid border, in the Style box, type "background-color:red; border-style:solid".

Note: For more information about styles, see

Label Options: Legend labels to use.

Include Category: If selected, displays the category as a label on the pie chart.

Include Value: If selected, displays the value as a label on the pie chart.

Use Label Template Instead: If selected, uses the specified label template to display a label on the pie chart.

Label Template: Kendo template to apply to the pie chart legend labels. For example, to display the label as a user's first name and last name, type "#= firstName #! #=lastName #".

Tooltip Template: Kendo template to apply to the tooltips that appear when a user rests the mouse on an area of the pie chart. For example, to display the tooltip as a user's first name and last name, type "#= firstName #! #=lastName #".

Note: For more information about Kendo templates, see

Show Legend: If selected, displays the legend for the pie chart.

Show Tooltip: If selected, displays information about a pie slice in the chart when a user rests the mouse on the bar.

  1. Complete the advanced options according to your preference and then Save.

Related Topics

Pie Gadget

Add a Pie Gadget to a Dashboard

Modify a Pie Gadget

Data Sources