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Add a Status Code

Use the Status Code Properties dialog box to add a status code.

To add a status code

  1. In the Main Menu window, from the Maintenance menu, click System Codes and Settings. The Latitude Maintenance window appears.

  2. In the Navigation pane, double-click the Status Code folder, or right-click the Status Code folder and then click New Status Code. The Status Code Properties dialog box appears.

Latitude - Status Code Properties: New Status Code dialog box

Status Code: Unique code that identifies the status.

Description: Description of the status code.

Status Type: The type of status. Valid values are:

Active: Latitude users can work accounts assigned an active status code. Text for accounts assigned an active status code appear in blue in the Work Form.

Closed: The system doesn't schedule accounts assigned a closed status code into a collector’s work queue. Text for accounts assigned a closed status code appear in red in the Work Form.

Return Days: Number of days to hold an account assigned to this status before returning the account to the customer.

This status code will reduce customer placement Statistics: If selected, the system subtracts accounts assigned to this status code from customer account placements (in Statistics Console).

Include in case counts: If selected, the Desk Mover tool counts accounts having this status against the Desk's case limit. The system includes accounts with this status in the Case Counts report.

Note: To configure credit bureau reporting options for a status code, use Credit Bureau Reporting Console. For more information, see the Credit Bureau Reporting Console documentation.

  1. Complete the information and then click OK.

Related Topics

System Codes and Settings

System Codes

Status Codes