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Add a Status Code
Use the Status Code Properties dialog box to add a status code.
To add a status code
In the Main Menu window, from the Maintenance menu, click System Codes and Settings. The Latitude Maintenance window appears.
In the Navigation pane, double-click the Status Code folder, or right-click the Status Code folder and then click New Status Code. The Status Code Properties dialog box appears.
Status Code: Unique code that identifies the status.
Description: Description of the status code.
Status Type: The type of status. Valid values are:
Active: Latitude users can work accounts assigned an active status code. Text for accounts assigned an active status code appear in blue in the Work Form.
Closed: The system doesn't schedule accounts assigned a closed status code into a collector’s work queue. Text for accounts assigned a closed status code appear in red in the Work Form.
Return Days: Number of days to hold an account assigned to this status before returning the account to the customer.
This status code will reduce customer placement Statistics: If selected, the system subtracts accounts assigned to this status code from customer account placements (in Statistics Console).
Include in case counts: If selected, the Desk Mover tool counts accounts having this status against the Desk's case limit. The system includes accounts with this status in the Case Counts report.
Note: To configure credit bureau reporting options for a status code, use Credit Bureau Reporting Console. For more information, see the Credit Bureau Reporting Console documentation.
Complete the information and then click OK.