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Approve a Payment Arrangement

Use the Approve Promises dialog box to send an approval request for a payment arrangement to a supervisor queue, or get immediate approval from a supervisor. If you don't have permissions to approve payment arrangements, this dialog box appears after you click Finish in the Review Payment Arrangement page.

To approve a payment arrangement

  1. To send the approval request to a supervisor queue, in the Approve Promises dialog box, do the following:

    1. Click Send to supervisor queue for approval.

Approve Promises dialog box

    1. Click the Search icon. The Select Supervisor Queue dialog box appears.

Select Supervisor Queue dialog box

    1. Click the supervisor queue and then click Open. The selected supervisor queue appears in the Queue box in the Approve Promises dialog box.

    2. Click OK. The system sends the promise approval request to the selected supervisor queue for processing. The payment arrangement appears in the Arrangements panel in the Work Form with an unapproved status and a message indicating the payment arrangement is unapproved.

Note: You can also click Cancel to add the transaction as unapproved.

  1. To request immediate approval from a supervisor or manager, do the following:

    1. Click Direct approval.

Approve Promises dialog box

    1. Click OK. The Security Login dialog box appears.

Security Login dialog box

    1. Type the supervisor's credentials and then click Okay. The payment arrangement appears in the Arrangements panel in the Work Form.

Note: If you are using Windows authentication, provide the supervisor's Latitude user name and Windows password.

Related Topics

Payment Arrangements Wizard

Payment Arrangement Tasks