- Contents
Payment Arrangement Tasks
This section describes the tasks for negotiating a payment arrangement.
Linked Arrangements
Previously for linked accounts, the system applied PDCs and credit cards to the link driver account only; and then moved and applied them to the other accounts when the debtor paid off the driver account. Automatic moving of post-dated arrangements (PDCs and credit cards) from driver accounts no longer occurs for payment arrangements that you create using the Payment Arrangements Wizard. The system applies transactions to the affected accounts.
Generally, you make payment arrangements from the link driver account. If the account is not the driver, the system requires user permission to create payment arrangements. If your permissions allow payments on the link driver account only, select this account before setting up the payment arrangement.
Related Topics
Negotiate a Payment Arrangement
Renegotiate a Payment Arrangement
Select Accounts to Include in the Payment Arrangement
Select a Payment Spread Method
Select a Settlement Arrangement
Calculate the Arrangement (Normal Mode)
Calculate the Arrangement (Simple Mode)
Specify Payment Instrument Information
Specify Checking or Savings Account Information
Specify Credit Card Information
Select a Reminder or Notice Letter