
  • Contents

Specify Payment Instrument Information

If your agency configured Latitude to use Payment Vision for credit card and checking account authorization, the Register Financial Account Information page of the Payment Vision website appears. Use this page to specify a debtor's credit card or checking account information and receive payment authorization from Payment Vision. When you close your browser, the Payment Instrument Information page in the Enter New Arrangements window appears. Use this page to redisplay the Payment Vision website or select an existing payment instrument.

If your agency didn't configure Latitude to use Payment Vision or you selected Promise to Pay on the Select Payment Type page, the Payment Instrument Information page is not available. For more information about the configuration for using Payment Vision, see Payment Processing Permissions and Policies.

To specify payment instrument information

  1. After specifying the criteria for calculating the payment arrangement, one of the following occurs:

    • If the financial institution didn't authorize a credit card or bank account previously for this account, the Register Financial Account Information page of the Payment Vision website opens in your browser.

    • If the financial institution authorized a credit card or bank account previously for this account, a dialog box appears. Do one of the following:

      • To use the authorized account, click Yes and skip to step 7.

      • To authorize a new account, click No. The Register Financial Account Information page of the Payment Vision website opens in your browser.

Payment Vision web site

  1. If the payment instrument is a credit card, do the following:

Payment Vision web site - credit card

    1. In the Enter Credit Card Information section, specify the credit card number, expiration month, expiration year, and security code.

    2. In the Enter Card Owner Information section, select the credit card owner's name and billing address.

  1. If the payment instrument is a checking or savings account, do the following:

Payment Vision web site - bank account

    1. In the Enter Bank Account Information section, do one of the following:

      • In the Bank Routing Number box, type the bank routing number.

      • Click ABA Lookup. In the Lookup Routing Number dialog box, specify the bank and state and then click Search. In the results, click the routing number and then click Select. The dialog box closes and the Bank Routing Number box populates with the routing number.

    1. To look up the bank name, click Bank Lookup. In the Lookup Bank dialog box, in the Bank Routing Number box, type the routing number and then click Search. In the results, click the bank name and then click Select. The dialog box closes and the Bank box populates with the bank's name and address.

    2. To add a bank, click Add New Bank. The Add New Bank dialog box appears. Specify the bank name and location and then click Submit. The dialog box closes and the Bank box populates with the bank's name and location.

    3. In the Bank Account Number box, type the bank account number.

    4. In the Bank Account Type list box, click the type of bank account (checking or savings).

    5. In the Personal or Business Acct list box, click the type of account (personal or business).

    6. In the Enter Bank Owner Information section, select the bank account owner's name and billing address.

  1. Click Register Account. The transaction summary information appears.

Payment Vision summary

  1. Close the browser window. The Payment Instrument Information page appears.

Enter New Arrangements window - Payment Instrument Information page

  1. To redisplay the Register Financial Account Information page of the Payment Vision website, click Relaunch.

Note: If the page timed out because of inactivity (was idle for more than 20 minutes), select the Regenerate Token Request check box before clicking Relaunch.

  1. To select an account that the financial institution authorized previously, in the Acct box, type the last four digits of the account number and then click the Search icon. Information for the account appears on the page.

Tip: To clear the information and search for another credit card or bank account number, click New...

  1. Click Next.

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Payment Arrangements Wizard

Payment Arrangement Tasks