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Select a Reminder or Notice Letter

Use the Request Reminder/Notice Letters page in the Enter New Arrangements window to select the settlement letter or reminder letters to send to the debtor before each payment due date. The letters available are based on the type of arrangement you are creating.

To select a reminder or notice letter

  1. If the Request Reminder/Notice Letters page isn't open, in the Tasks list, click Review Letters. The Request Reminder/Notice Letters page appears. The information that displays is based on the type of arrangement you are creating.

Enter New Arrangements window - Request Reminder/Notice Letters page

  1. To select the letter to send, do the following:

    1. Click the Search icon. The Select Letter dialog box appears. The system restricts the letters available to those letters allowed for the arrangement type and customer.

    2. Click the letter and then click Open.

  2. If your permissions allow and you are requesting a reminder letter, you can change the number of days before the payment due date to generate a letter request. In the Reminder Days box, type the number of days or use the arrows to increase or decrease the number of days. You can also double-click the reminder date in the data grid and select a date from the calendar. If the current due date is within the reminder days, the system doesn't generate a letter request.

Note: If you are creating a payoff arrangement, you can generate a payoff letter, reminder letter, or both.

  1. Click Next.

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