
Custom Customer Groups

Use the Customer Groups window to add and modify customer groups. Customer Groups represent general types of collection business given to your agency and allow you to categorize customers for invoicing and statistics. You can place individual customers into one or more groups (or none).

Customer Groups window

  1. Menu bar: Displays submenus and commands for managing customer groups.

  2. Navigation pane: Displays the customer groups and their associated customers. If you click a customer group in the Navigation pane, the customers assigned to that customer group appear in the Information pane. If you expand a customer group and double-click a customer in the Navigation pane, the customer record appears in the Information pane to allow you to modify the information.

  3. Information pane: If you click a customer group in the Navigation pane, the customers assigned to that customer group appear in the Information pane. If you double-click a customer in the Navigation pane, the customer record appears in the Information pane to allow you to modify the information.

Related Topics

Configure Latitude

Add a Customer Group

Modify a Customer Group

Delete a Customer Group

Modify Customer Group Settings

Add a Customer to a Customer Group

Remove a Customer from a Customer Group

Modify a Customer in a Customer Group