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Make Up a Declined Payment

Use the Arrangements panel in the Work Form to make up a declined payment when payment processing fails (for example, declined credit card or insufficient funds). Your organization specifies the maximum number of days a declined payment can remain on an arrangement. For more information, see the Maximum Number of Days policy in the Minimum Settlement Options Permission.

To make up a declined payment

  1. With an account displayed in the Work Form, from the menu bar, click Promise. The Arrangements panel appears.

Arrangements panel - declined payment

  1. In the data grid, click the declined payment and then click Make Up Payment. A confirmation dialog box appears, asking whether you are sure.

  2. Click Yes. Latitude changes the payment status to "Unapproved."

Arrangements panel

  1. Click the unapproved payment and then click Approve. Latitude changes the payment status to "Active."

  1. Remove the hold from the remaining payments. For more information, see Remove a Payment Arrangement Hold.

  2. If necessary, change the payment instrument. For more information, see Change Payment Instrument for a Single Payment or Change Payment Instrument for Multiple Payments.

Related Topics

Payment Arrangements

Arrangements Panel

Payment Arrangements Wizard