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Open a Custom Queue
Use the Open Custom Queue dialog box to view accounts assigned to the Custom queue and open the queue in the Work Form. Custom queues are for accounts that require a specific type of work. For example, a user with the appropriate permissions could create a Custom queue for accounts that require skip tracing. During a slow part of the day, a collector can choose to work accounts in that queue. The system reserves queue levels 425-499 for Custom queues.
To open a Custom queue
In the Main Menu window, click Work or press Alt + W. The Work Form appears. The Work Form appears.
From the Search menu, click Custom Queue. The Open Custom Queue dialog box appears.
Queue Name: Name of the queue.
Created: Date you created the queue.
Total Accounts: Total number of accounts in the queue.
Completed: Number of accounts worked and removed from the queue.
Available: Number of accounts in the queue available to work.
Should Not Queue: Number of accounts that fit the criteria for inclusion in the queue, but you flagged them for exclusion from the queue.
Worked: Number of worked accounts in the queue.
Accounts Remaining: Number of accounts assigned to the queue.
In the Open Custom Queue dialog box, click a work queue and then click OK. The Open Custom Queue dialog box closes and the first account in the queue displays in the Work Form.
Note: The number of accounts in the Custom queue appear in the status bar at the bottom of the Work Form.
When you finish working an account, click Next Queue. The Custom Queue dialog box appears.
In the Custom Queue dialog box, do one of the following:
If you finished working the account, click Yes. The system removes the account from the Custom queue. If the Account Follow-Up dialog box appears, schedule the account for work in the Collector queue.
If you didn't finish working the account, click No. The account remains in the Custom queue and the next account in the Custom queue appears in the Work Form.