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Work Queues
Use the Search menu in the Work Form to select a queue of accounts to work. Queues are the easiest way to work accounts in Latitude. When you open a queue, the first debtor account to work is displayed in the Work Form, based on your assigned desk and queue.
Note: A quick way to review work in a queue is to generate a Queue Report. To generate a Queue Report, from the Main Menu, click Reports > Internal > Queue Report. If you don't have the proper permissions, you cannot run this report.
The following options are available when working a queue:
Next Queue - Displays in the Work Form the next account in the queue to work. If you click Next Queue after clicking <<Back, the account that was next in line before you clicked <<Back displays in the Work Form.
<<Back - Displays in the Work Form the previous account in the queue. This option is available after you've worked the first account in a queue. You can move backward up to five accounts in the current queue. To view accounts further back, in the Search menu, click History.
Forward>> - Displays in the Work Form the next account in the queue. This option is available after you've moved backward in the queue. You can move forward up to five accounts.
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