- Contents
Open a Hot Account
Use the Hot Accounts dialog box to view accounts assigned a "hot" status and open a hot account in the Work Form. Collectors, administrators, and clerical personnel can use the "hot" status to indicate that an account has a high probability for collection, or to flag an account that requires follow-up. "Hot" is an active status code.
To open a hot account
In the Main Menu window, click Work or press Alt + W. The Work Form appears. The Work Form appears.
From the Search menu, click My Hot Accounts. The Latitude dialog box appears, which indicates the number of hot accounts assigned to your desk.
In the Latitude dialog box, click OK. The Hot Accounts dialog box appears.
File Number: File number associated to the account.
Queue Date: Date you added the account to the queue. The system sorts the accounts in the queue by queue date.
Name: Name of the debtor or co-debtor.
Customer: Customer associated to the account.
Received: Date you received the account.
Balance: Account balance.
In the Hot Accounts dialog box, click an account to work. The Hot Accounts dialog box closes and the selected account displays in the Work Form.