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Open a Pie Queue

Use the Pie Queue dialog box to view accounts assigned to your desk in pie chart form and open the queue in the Work Form. You can filter accounts in the queue and select the accounts to work, instead of just working accounts by queue date or queue level. For example, you can filter accounts by customer and select a specific customer to work.

To open a Pie Queue

  1. Do the steps to View a Pie Queue for a Desk. The Pie Queue dialog box appears.

Pie Queue dialog box

  1. Click a filter option to display accounts in the pie chart. The example filters on balance.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • In the pie chart, double-click the pie piece for each account group to work.

    • In the Pie Piece Overview grid, select the check box for each account group to work.

The selected pie pieces separate from the pie chart. A funnel appears on the selected filter option to indicate that you set a filter and the system selects the corresponding row in the table beneath the pie chart.

Note: To remove a pie piece from the filter, double-click it.

  1. To segregate accounts further, click another filter option and then select each account group to work.

  2. To view and work with a list of accounts included in the filter, do the following:

    1. Click the Table icon. The accounts appear in a table.

Pie Queue - table format

    1. To select an account in the table, click a row to select it.

Tip: To select multiple sequential rows, press and hold the Shift key and click the first and last sequential row. To select multiple non-sequential rows, press and hold the Ctrl key and click each individual row.

    1. To group accounts on a column heading, drag and drop the column heading into the space provided. The system groups the accounts on the selected column. Click the plus (+) sign to display accounts within that group. To clear a grouping, drag and drop the column heading back into the table area.

    2. To select an account and begin working it, double-click the file number. The account appears in the Work Form.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • If you are working in the table and you want to select an account and begin working it, double-click the file number. The Pie Queue dialog box closes and the selected account appears in the Work Form.

    • If you are working in the table or the pie chart and you want to begin working the selected accounts, click Queue. The Pie Queue dialog box closes and the first account in the Pie queue appears in the Work Form.

Note: The number of accounts in the Pie queue appears in the status bar at the bottom of the Work Form.

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Pie Queue