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Process a Real-time Credit Card Transaction
Use the Arrangements panel in the Work Form to process a credit card transaction with a vendor that is due on or before the current date. To use real-time credit card processing, you must have the Enable Real Time Credit Card Processing permission.
To process a real-time credit card transaction
With an account displayed in the Work Form, from the menu bar, click Promise. The Arrangements panel appears.
In the data grid, click the transaction to process. The Process Credit Card option appears in the Arrangement panel menu bar.
Click Process Credit Card. One of the following occurs:
If the payment processes successfully, the system displays a notification dialog box indicating a successful payment and changes the status to "Authorized."
If the payment fails, the system displays a notification dialog box indicating a failed payment and changes the status to "Declined."
If the web service is unavailable, a message dialog box appears, asking whether you want to keep the transaction and process it later. Click Yes. Obtain verification offline or later during batch processing in Credit Card Management. After you obtain online authorization, the authorization code and transaction batch number appear. The system processes the batch automatically and applies it to the balance in the Work Form.
Click OK. If the payment didn't fail, one of the following occurs:
If your agency selected the Post Real Time Credit Card transactions processed from the Arrangements panel check box in the Enable Real Time Credit Card Processing permission, Latitude posts credit card transactions to the debtor's account immediately. The transactions are available for immediate client invoicing.
If your agency cleared the Post Real Time Credit Card transactions processed from the Arrangements panel check box in the Enable Real Time Credit Card Processing permission, Latitude saves the credit card payments in a batch file for processing later. For more information about processing a batch, see Process a Batch.