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Select a Desk

Use the Select Desks dialog box to select a desk for which to view a Pie queue. You must have permission to work other desks to view a pie queue for another desk.

To select a desk

  1. In the Main Menu window, click Work or press Alt + W. The Work Form appears. The Work Form appears.

  2. From the Search menu, click Pie Queue. If you have permission to work other desks, the Select Desks dialog box appears.

Select Desks dialog box

  1. Do the following:

    1. To limit the list to a specific desk type, in the Desk Type list box, click the desk type.

    2. To search from the beginning of the list, in the Find box, type your search criteria and click the icon.

    3. To search forward in the list, select a desk in the list, in the Find box, type your search criteria, and then click the  icon.

    4. To search backward in the list, select a desk in the list, in the Find box, type your search criteria, and then click the  icon.

    5. Click the desk and then click Open. The Select Desks dialog box closes and the selected desk displays in the Desk box in the Pie Queue dialog box.

Tip: If you have permission to work multiple desks and you want to select multiple sequential desks, press and hold the Shift key and click the first and last sequential desk. To select multiple non-sequential desks, press and hold the Ctrl key and click each individual desk.

Related Topics

Work Queues

Pie Queue