
  • Contents

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keys are available in certain areas of Latitude. To use a shortcut key, hold down the specified key (either Alt or Ctrl), click the specified letter key, and then release both keys.

In this topic:

Main Menu window

Key Combination


Alt + A

Opens the Apps menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + C

Opens the Custom menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + D

Opens the Data Entry menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + F

Opens the File menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + H

Opens the Help menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + M

Opens the Maintenance menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + R

Opens the Reports menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + S

Opens the Security menu. To open the Change Password dialog box, press Enter.

Alt + T

Opens the Tools menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + W

Opens a blank Work Form.

Latitude Help system

Key Combination


Alt + C

Displays the Contents tab.

Alt + N

Displays the Index tab.

Alt + S

Displays the Search tab.

Latitude Invoices window

Key Combination


Alt + A

Opens the Actions menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + R

Opens the Reports menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + T

Opens the Tools menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + V

Opens the View menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Letter Console window

Key Combination


Alt + H

Opens the Help menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Payment Entry dialog box

Key Combination


Alt + N

Opens the New Batch dialog box to allow you to add a batch.

Alt + O

Opens the Payment Batches dialog box to allow you to edit a batch.

Alt + R

Opens the Reports menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + X

Closes the Payment Entry dialog box.

Work Form

Key Combination


Alt + C

Opens the Calls menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + D

Displays the Post Dates panel.

Alt + H

Opens the Help menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + I

Opens the Info menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + K

Opens the Skip menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + L

Opens the Letters menu. To open the Account Letters dialog box, press Enter.

To open the Special menu, press Alt + L a second time. Continuing to press Alt + L switches between the Letters and Special menus.

Alt + N

An account must be open in the Work Form.

If the Notes panel is not open, displays the Notes panel.

If the Notes panel is open, displays the New Note dialog box. To close the dialog box, press Esc.

Alt + P

Displays the Arrangements panel.

Alt + Q

While working a Collector queue, opens the Set Follow Up dialog box. Within this dialog box, the following shortcut keys are available:

Alt + T

Changes the follow-up date to tomorrow's date.

Alt + 2 (3, 4, 5, or 7)

Changes the follow-up date to two (3, 4, 5, or 7) days from the current date.

Alt + O

Saves your changes and closes the Set Follow Up dialog box.

Alt + C

Discards your changes and closes the Set Follow Up dialog box.

Alt + R

Opens the Restrictions menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + S

Opens the Search menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Alt + Y

Opens the Payments menu. Arrow up or down to select a menu option and then press Enter.

Ctrl + F

Opens the Latitude Search - Search for Account dialog box. Within this dialog box, the following shortcut keys are available:

Alt + S

Performs a search based on the specified criteria.

Alt + B

From the Search Results tab, returns you to the Simple Search or Advanced Search tab.

Alt + C

Displays the Latitude Search dialog box to allow you to clear the search criteria. To clear the search criteria, press Alt + Y. To close the dialog box without clearing the search criteria, press Alt + N.


Closes the Latitude Search dialog box.

All Debtor Notes dialog box

Key Combination


Alt + E

Closes the All Debtor Notes dialog box.

Alt + N

Opens the Latitude - New Note dialog box.


Closes the All Debtor Notes dialog box.

Debtor Contact Analysis

Key Combination


Alt + E

Closes the All Debtor Notes dialog box.


Closes the All Debtor Notes dialog box.

Debtor Details dialog box

Key Combination


Alt + A

Displays the Attorney tab.

Alt + B

Displays the Bankruptcy tab. Within this tab, the following shortcut keys are available:

Alt + C

Displays the Court tab.

Alt + G

Displays the General tab.

Alt + O

Displays the Comments tab.

Alt + T

Displays the Trustee tab.

Alt + C

Closes the dialog box without saving your changes.

Alt + D

Displays the Debtor Info tab.

Alt + O

Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.

Alt + R

Displays the Restrictions tab.

Alt + S

Displays the Spouse Info tab.

Alt + V

Saves your changes and keeps the dialog box open.

Link dialog box

Key Combination


Alt + C

Closes the Link dialog box.

Alt + G

Displays the currently selected account in the Work Form.

Alt + N

Opens the Latitude - New Note dialog box.

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