
  • Contents

Queue Account

Use the Edit Queue Account Activity dialog box to specify the criteria for changing the queue level on accounts and setting the follow-up date and time. WorkFlow Designer doesn't change the queue level on closed accounts.

To modify a Queue Account activity

  1. Create or open a workflow with a Queue Account activity. For more information, see Create a Workflow or Modify a Workflow.

Queue Account activity

  1. On the workflow tab, double-click the Queue Account activity. The Edit Queue Account Activity dialog box appears.

Edit Queue Account Activity dialog box

Queue Level: Queue level to assign to the account.

Account should queue: If selected, the account continues to appear in the Collector queue so the collector can work it.

Queue Date: Number of days from the date the queue level changes that you want the account to appear in the Collector queue.

Queue Time: Time of day that you want the account to appear in the Collector queue.

  1. In the Queue Level list box, click the queue level to assign to accounts.

  2. To have the account continue to appear in the Collector queue, select Account should queue.

  3. In the Queue Date box, type or click the arrows to specify the number of days after changing the queue level the account is to appear in the Collector queue.

  4. In the Queue Time list box, click the time of day the account is to appear in the Collector queue.

  5. Click OK. WorkFlow Designer updates the Queue Account activity in the workflow.

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