
  • Contents

View Job Activity

Use the Monitor tab in the Information pane to view a snapshot of activity for the last and next occurrence of every job in Job Manager. Jobs display alphabetically by job category.

To view job activity

  1. In the menu bar, click View  and then click Monitor Grid. The Monitor tab appears in the Information pane. Jobs are grouped by job category.

Monitor tab

Name: Name of the job.

Status: Status of the job.

Last Run Outcome: Results of the last job run. To view detail for an error that occurred during processing, rest your mouse on the error message.

Enabled: Indicates whether Job Manager allows the job to run.

Scheduled: Indicates whether the schedule is active for the job.

Last Run: Date Job Manager last ran the job.

Next Run: Date Job Manager scheduled the job to run next.

  1. To view jobs within a job category, click the plus sign (+) next to the job category.

  2. To view requested jobs, click the Request Monitor tab.

  3. To view statistical information, click the Statistics tab.

Related Topics

Job Monitoring