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Maintain Client Invoice Settings
Use the Invoice tab in the Client dialog box to maintain invoice settings for a client. These settings apply when invoicing clients using the Invoices program.
To maintain client invoice settings
In the Navigation pane, click System Codes and Settings > Accounts > Client.
Tip: To limit the clients that display in the data grid, click one or more check boxes next to a column heading. In the Filter box, type one or more characters and then press Enter. To clear a filter, clear the check boxes and then click the Refresh icon.
In the data grid, click the Edit icon and then click Invoice.
Parent Client: Parent client associated to this client for invoicing purposes.
Invoice Type: Type of invoices to create. Valid values are:
Combined: Creates one invoice for all payment types (PA, PC, PU, PAR, PCR, and PUR).
Separate: Creates one invoice for PC and PCR, one invoice for PA and PU, and one invoice for PAR and PUR payment types.
Separate Direct: Creates one invoice for PC and PCR payment types and a separate invoice for PA, PAR, PU, and PUR payment types.
Invoice Frequency: Indicates how often to invoice the client.
Invoice Method: Method for invoicing the client.
Net: Doesn't include your organization's fee on client invoices.
Gross: Includes your organization's fee on client invoices.
Invoice Sort: Order to sort the invoices.
Remit Method: Determines the method for remitting invoices.
Manual: Your organization writes checks for the client manually.
Check: Your organization uses the Invoices program to print checks for the client.
ACH Transfer: Your organization uses the Invoices program to create ACH wire transfers for the client.
Show Amount Due Client: Indicates whether to include the amount due to the client on the invoice.
Number of days to allow payments by check to clear before including on invoice: Number of days to wait before including payments on a client invoice. If the customer's check does not clear, use this option to avoid sending payment information to a client.
Show Date Received, Current Balance, Amount Due Client, Other Name, Original Date on Reversals: If selected, the information prints on the client's invoices.
Invoice Report: File to use when creating invoices for the client. This option allows you to use custom invoices for each customer. The default file is BasicInvoice.rpt. Import the reports into Latitude to make them available for selection from the list box.
Complete the information and then click Save.