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Medical Account Details Card
The Medical Account Details card displays for medical accounts associated to the responsible parties on the account. The information that appears on this card is based on whether the system is displaying the Delinquency or Recovery Anchor. Open accounts appear first, sorted by received date. If there are more than four accounts to display, the system includes pagination.
To display one of the joined accounts, click the account.
If closed accounts are excluded from the list, a check mark in a red box appears (as shown in the example). To include closed accounts in the list, click the check mark in the red box. An X in a blue box appears in place of the check mark.
If closed accounts are included in the list, an X in a blue box appears. To remove closed accounts from the list, click the X in the blue box. A check mark in a red box appears in place of the X.
Delinquency anchor - Medical Account Details card
Joined (File #): Unique code that the system assigned to identify the account. If a Link icon displays next to an account, it indicates that the account is the driver (main) account in the group of joined accounts.
Account: Unique code that the client assigned to identify the account.
Patient Name: Patient's name.
Service Date: Date the patient received medical care.
Status: Status of the account.
Client: Name of the client associated to the account.
Total Due: Total amount due on the account.
Past Due: Amount that is past due on the account.
Last Pd Amt: Amount last paid on the account.
Last Paid: Date of last payment on the account.
Received: Date your organization received the account.
Last Charge: Date the client last charged the account.
Worked: Date a user last worked the account.
Contacted: Date a user last contacted a party on the account.
Responsible Balance: Total due and total past due for only the accounts in the data grid for which the focused party is responsible.
Collectable Total: Total due, total past due, and total last paid amounts for all the accounts in the data grid, regardless of whether the focused party is responsible.
Recovery anchor - Medical Account Details card
Joined (File #): Unique code that the system assigned to identify the account. If a Link icon displays next to an account, the account is the driver (main) account in the group of joined accounts.
Account: Unique code that the client assigned to identify the account.
Patient Name: Patient's name.
Service Date: Date the patient received medical care.
Status: Status of the account.
Client: Name of the client associated to the account.
Total Due: Total amount due on the account.
Past Due: This amount is not applicable to recovery accounts so the value is always zero (0).
Last Paid: Date of last payment on the account.
Received: Date your organization received the account.
Last Charge: Date the client last charged the account.
Worked: Date a user last worked the account.
Contacted: Date a user last contacted a party on the account.
Responsible Balance: Total due for only the accounts in the data grid for which the focused party is responsible.
Collectable Total: Total due for all accounts in the data grid, regardless of whether the focused party is responsible.