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Custom Payment Types

Use the Custom Payment Types window to maintain custom payment types that outside agencies and attorneys can use when reporting payments and reversals. You associate the custom payment type to a Latitude payment type so that AIM creates the appropriate payment batch in Latitude.

Your organization maps custom payment types to standard Latitude payment types (PA, PAR, DA, and DAR). Custom payment types mapped to a DA or DAR payment type can also contain money bucket information, allowing agencies and attorneys to create adjustments directly to one money bucket. For example, if an attorney holds an account and wants to increase costs to include filing fees, create an increasing adjustment and associate it to a specific money bucket. The increasing adjustment increases the current balance (principal).

Note: AIM reserves the FO and FOR custom payment types for agencies that specify their fee in the fee amount returned in the payment file. Do not allow these custom payment types unless your organization allows agencies to submit this information. 

Grace period

You can set a system-wide grace period for payments received that you want to credit toward an agency that held the account previously. Use Tools > Options to set the grace period and how to handle payments received that do not match the holding agency. The options allow you to create an exception when the holding agency does not match. Then, your organization can review payment information and determine how to handle these occurrences on a case-by-case basis.

Net agency

If a PA payment type comes in from a net agency, AIM sets the agency fee to zero because the agency has already retained their fee. PU and PC payments credited to an agency show the account as having a fee.

Related Topics

Add a Custom Payment Type

Delete a Custom Payment Type

System Configuration