
  • Contents

Specify Evaluation Parameters

Use the Agency/Attorney Evaluator pane to specify parameters for evaluating agency and attorney placements.

To specify evaluation parameters

  1. In the menu bar, click Reports, click Agency/Attorney Evaluator. The Agency/Attorney Evaluator pane appears, with the Parameters tab selected.

Agency/Attorney Evaluator pane


Placement Date Range: Placement start and end dates to evaluate.

Show Performance For (Months): Number of performance months to include in the evaluation results.

Show Percentages: If selected, the evaluation results include the percent of the total dollar amount collected each month.

Show Cumulative Totals: If selected, the evaluation results include cumulative totals for the percent collected each month.

Show Summaries: If selected, the evaluation results include report totals.

Card View: If selected, AIM displays the evaluation results in a card view.


Show Equipment: If selected, the evaluation results include equipment.


No Grouping: If selected, records appear as separate line items in the evaluation results.

Group by Batch: If selected, AIM combines records for the same batch ID in the evaluation results.

Group by Agency/Attorney: If selected, AIM combines records with the same agency or attorney in the evaluation results.

Group by Agency/Attorney and Month: If selected, AIM combines records with the same agency or attorney, and month in the evaluation results.

Group by Month: If selected, AIM combines records for the same month in the evaluation results.

Group by Portfolio: If selected, AIM combines records for the same portfolio in the evaluation results.

Group by Agency/Attorney Tier: If selected, AIM combines records for the same tier in the evaluation results.

  1. Specify the option, equipment, and aggregation parameters.

  2. On the Agencies/Attorneys tab, click one or more agencies or attorneys to include in the evaluation.

Tip: To select multiple sequential rows, press and hold the Shift key and click the first and last sequential row. To select multiple non-sequential rows, press and hold the Ctrl key and click each individual row.

  1. Click the Portfolios tab.

  2. Click one or more portfolios to include in the evaluation. To select more than one portfolio, see the previous tip.

  3. To save the evaluation, do the following:

    1. In the toolbar, click Save. The Save dialog box appears.

    2. Type a name and description for the evaluation and then click Save. AIM adds the evaluation to the Saved Evaluations tab.

Related Topics

Rebuild Agency or Attorney Evaluator Data

Agency/Attorney Evaluator

Report Options
