
  • Contents

Create a Job Configuration

Use the Job - [Job Configuration Name] tab to create a job configuration to automate a manual process (for example, AIM file import, Exchange file export).

To create a job configuration

  1. In the Navigation Explorer pane, click Jobs. The Jobs panel appears.

Jobs pane

  1. To create a folder for the new job, do the following:

    1. Right-click Jobs, click Add, and then click Add Folder.

    2. Type a name for the folder and then press Enter.

  2. Right-click the folder where you want to add the job, click Add, and then click Add Job.

  3. Type a name for the job and then press Enter.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the job and then click Job Properties.

    • Double-click the job.

The Job - [Job Configuration Name] tab appears. Job Manager includes the name of the job configuration in the tab name.

Job Configuration panel

Name: Name of the job configuration as specified in the Jobs panel. To modify the name, rename it in the Jobs panel.

Description: Description of the job configuration.

Category: Job configuration category. For more information, see Job Categories.

Package/Process: Package or process to automate. The values that appear are based on the specified job configuration category. This box is not available when you select "Web API Job" or "YGC Export" from the Category list box.

Endpoint URL: URL and API key to retrieve RDN case updates from the RDN system, or URL for sending a POST request to any Web API endpoint. This box is available when you select "Wep API Job" from the Category list box.

Schedule: Schedule for running the job.

Dependent Job: Job that has to complete before this job can start. Not all jobs have a dependent job.

Enabled: If selected, Job Manager allows the job to run. If cleared, Job Manager prevents the job from running.

Scheduled: If selected, the schedule is active for the job. If cleared, Job Manager prevents the job from running.

Email Upon Error: If selected, Job Manager sends an email message to the specified email addresses when errors occur during processing.

Email Upon Success: If selected, Job Manager sends an email message to the specified email addresses when processing completes successfully.

Note: To specify more than one email address, use a semi-colon to separate the email addresses.

  1. Complete the information and then, in the toolbar, click Save.

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Job Configuration