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View Batch History Details

Use the Batch History Details window to view details for a file import or export, including any errors.

To view batch history details

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Clients.

Clients pane

  1. In the Clients pane, expand the appropriate folder and then double-click the client. The tab for the specified client appears in the Information pane.

General tab

  1. Click the History tab.

History tab

  1. Select the starting and ending dates for transfer history to view, and then click Get History. A list of all transfers appears.

  2. Click the row to view and then click the icon at the end of the row.

History tab

The Batch History Details window appears.

Batch History Details window

View Raw Source File: Opens the original file and displays its contents. If the original file is an Excel file, Exchange Manager opens it in Excel.

Export Results to Excel: Creates an Excel spreadsheet containing the information displayed currently.

Show only Financials: Displays payment and reversal transactions only. To clear this filter after setting it, close the window and reopen it.

  1. To view details, click the plus sign (+) next to an item.

Related Topics

View File Transfer History

File History