
Letter Requester

Use Letter Requester to create queries to request letters based on specified selection criteria.

Letter Requester window

  1. Toolbar: Provides options for clearing, opening, saving, and running selection criteria, and counting the query results.



Clear icon

Clears all query settings currently displayed in the window.

Open icon

Clears the query settings currently displayed in the window and opens a saved query.

Save icon

Saves the query settings currently displayed in the window.

Count icon

Sums the number of records that match the selection criteria.

Run icon

Runs the query and displays the results on the Results tab.

  1. Data Selection pane: Provides a list of data you can select to create a query.

  2. Conditions pane: Allows you to set the conditions for retrieving data.

  3. Order pane: Allows you to set the order for displaying or running data.

  4. Select Letter section: Allows you to select the letter to request.

  5. Options section: Allows you to set the letter selection options.

Related Topics

Create a Letter Request Query

Modify a Letter Request Query

Generate Letter Requests


Query Tools