
Query Tools

Latitude Console provides a set of powerful query tools that allow managers or other senior collection personnel to perform advanced SQL tasks using a customizable user interface. These query tools include the following:

  • Account Analysis: Retrieves accounts that meet specific criteria and then sorts, groups, or summarizes the information for review.

  • Condition Builder: Modifies selection criteria that is available for use in query tools.

  • Credit Report Requester: Requests credit bureau reports for multiple accounts, based on customized selection criteria.

  • Custom Queue Manager: Creates custom queues using specified selection criteria.

  • Desk Mover: Moves accounts to specific desks based on specified selection criteria.

  • Letter Requester: Requests letters for multiple accounts based on specified selection criteria.

  • Pool Queue Manager: Creates pools of work for collectors based on specified selection criteria.

  • SQL Author: Creates and stores custom SQL statements for use in other query tools or programs. 

  • Status Changer: Changes the status for groups of accounts based on specified selection criteria.

Related Topics


Account Analysis

Condition Builder

Credit Report Requester

Custom Queue Manager

Desk Mover

Letter Requester

Pool Queue Manager

SQL Author

Status Changer