
  • Contents

Define Email Templates

Interaction Conference allows the administrator to define email templates for meeting invitations and cancellations. Features include:

  • The ability to create separate templates for invitations, updates, and cancellations.

  • The ability to create separate templates (of all three types) for use by hosts and guests.

To create an email template:

  1. In Interaction Administrator, scroll to the Interaction Conference container and double-click Configuration.

    Interaction Administrator displays the Interaction Conference Configuration dialog.

  2. Click the  Email Templates tab.

    Interaction Administrator displays the Email Templates tab.

  3. Click Add.

    Interaction Administrator displays the New Template dialog.

  4. Design the template:

    1. In the Name text box (1), type a name for the template.

    2. In the Subject text box (2), type a default subject for the email message (for example, "Meeting invitation").

    3. In the Body text box (3), type the default text of the email message, inserting macros (4) as needed:

    • Additional numbers: Phone numbers, other than the main conference number, on which attendees can call into the conference.

    • Date: The date of the conference.

    • Host: The host of the conference.

    • Invitee: The name of the invitee (the recipient of the email message).

    • Invitees: The names of the invitees (the recipients of the email message).

    • Notes: Any explanatory notes about the conference.

    • Phone: The main (or only) phone number that attendees use to call into the conference.

    • PIN: The PIN number attendees use to gain access to the conference.

    • Room: The room identifier for the conference.

    • Time: The time at which the conference is scheduled.

    • Title: The title of the conference.

    1. Click OK.

      Interaction Administrator creates the template and lists it on the Email Templates tab of the Interaction Conference Configuration dialog.

  1. In the Selected Templates area, use the list boxes to assign the template to a message type.