
  • Contents

Creating Validation Rules

Validation rules contain information for identifying the currently loaded screen. When a screen appears, Interaction Host Recorder checks the validation rules to determine which screen is loaded. While you can configure Interaction Host Recorder to validate a screen every time you make a change on that screen (see Preferences), the handlers will only validate a screen when instructed to do so by a transition command.

Before you can create a validation rule, you must connect to a host and define the screen for which you will create validation rules. Once you have defined the screen, make sure that screen is loaded and selected in the Screen Definition window create a validation rule by right-clicking in the Validation Rules list and choose Add Validation... from the menu that appears. The Validation dialog appears in which you can configure the validation rule type and settings. See Validation Rules for more information on the types of validation rules.

Once you click OK, the validation rule appears in the Validation Rules list. You can edit the properties of this validation rule at any time by right-clicking the validation rule and choosing Edit Validation... from the menu that appears.