
  • Contents

Screen Definition window

Host screens are the screens displayed in a terminal emulation. After connecting to a host for the first time or opening a screen for the first time, you must name each screen and determine what characteristics define that screen. These defining characteristics are called validation rules, and they are used to determine which screen is currently loaded. Once you have named a screen and configured your validation rules, you can create user defined fields that allow handlers to read and write data in that screen.

This topic contains links to more detailed explanations:

  • Naming and identifying screens
    Named screens are screens that Interaction Host Recorder can identify with validation rules. Before you can create validation rules or define fields on a screen, you must name that screen. The host tools in handlers refer to screen names when sending instructions to the Host Server. See Naming Screens for more information.

  • Viewing or creating validation rules
    Validation rules
    contain information for identifying the currently loaded screen. When a screen appears, Interaction Host Recorder checks the validation rules to determine which screen is loaded. See Validation Rules for information on the different types of validation rules.

  • Creating user defined fields that are recognized by the host tools in handlers
    When you create a user defined field in the Screen Definition window, handlers can read information from the field or write information to the field. See Screen Fields for more information on the different types of screen fields.