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Publishing Host Profiles

Publishing is the process by which the host profile is loaded onto the Host Server . Once a host profile is published, Host tools in handlers can instruct the Host Server to perform actions based on the information in the profile.

Caution: When you publish a host profile, the data within that profile is loaded on to the Host Server. When opening a host profile for editing, you have the choice of opening the host profile from the Host Server, or from the machine where you saved a copy. If you choose to open and edit the profile loaded on the Host Server, keep in mind that it is possible that changes made by others could cause the host profile on the server to be different than the host profile saved locally. In many cases, you may want to open your local copy and republish any changes you make. This will ensure that both versions are identical.

To publish a host profile:

  1. Open the Profile you want to publish.

  2. From the File menu, choose Publish.
    The file is published to the Host Server.