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Command Recording Settings (WaitForRTS page)

Use the Command Recording Settings dialog to configure transition recording behavior. On the WaitForRTS page you can configure how Interaction Host Recorder adjusts wait for RTS commands. See the example at the end of this topic for a graphical representation of the timeout calculation.

Record Command option

Select this option if you want wait for RTS commands automatically added to your transitions while you are recording.

Timeout Calculations

Configure these settings to add time to the timeout of a wait for RTS transition command. For example, while recording your transition commands, a wait for RTS command takes 2 second. By configuring the timeout calculation settings, this time could be automatically changed to 5 seconds.


The value by which you will multiply the wait for RTS time, multiplied by .1. For example, if you want to automatically double the amount of time in the wait for RTS transition command, you would type twenty in this field: 20 x .1 = 2. If the wait for RTS time while you are recording is 1 second, then the time value in the resulting transition command will be 2 seconds. If the wait for RTS time while you are recording is 2 seconds, then the time value in the resulting transition command will be 4 seconds.

Caution: When setting the Multiplier value, take into account that slight variations in the host response time could cause the Wait for RTS to time out. Setting the multiplier value to 30 is generally sufficient, but thousands of handlers running simultaneously may cause an unforeseen delay in host response. If your handlers are failing, check the handler logs to verify that your multiplier values are sufficient.


The number of milliseconds to add to all wait for RTS commands. Type 1000 to add 1 second to all wait for cursor commands.

Minimum value

The minimum value to use in wait for cursor transition commands. If you typed 1000 in this field, all recorded wait for cursor commands will last at least 1 second before timing out.

Example: In the following figure, if the recorded time is 2 seconds, the multiplier is 20, and the offset is 1000 ms, then the wait for RTS transition command will have a time of five seconds.


Other pages in the Preferences dialog: