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Interaction Host Recorder Help
Preferences (Appearance page)
The Preferences dialog is where you can change how Interaction Host Recorder behaves. On the Appearance page you can configure several settings that will affect the colors and fonts of the host screen. These settings only affect how Interaction Host Recorder behaves while you are editing, and they do not change any values within the host profiles.
Border color
The color of the border around the screen.
Background color
The color of the screen background.
Host field outline color
The color of the border around the Host Screen fields when those fields are selected in the Host Screen Fields window.
Screen outline color
The color of the thin outline between the screen and the border.
Selection color
The color of the border around a manually selected portion of the screen.
Note: The color you specify is compared with a logical XOR with the color on the screen . This ensures that the selection is always visible against the background. Do not specify black as the selection color.
Bound field outline color
The color of the border around user defined fields when those fields are selected in the User Defined Fields list.
Font name
The name of the font used when displaying text in a screen.
Preserve aspect ratio of font while in host screen view
Select this option to enlarge the screen to fit the aspect ratio of the font. This only affects viewing and will not impact coordinate definitions in fields or transitions.
Show only true type fonts
Select this option to display only true type fonts in the font list.
Show only fixed pitch fonts
Select this option to display only fixed-pitch fonts in the font list. Fixed pitch fonts often dislay better than true type fonts.
Undo Stack Depth
The number of actions that Interaction Host Recorder will allow you to undo.
Other pages in the Preferences dialog: