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Preferences (Host Fields page)

The Preferences dialog is where you can change how Interaction Host Recorder behaves. On the Host Fields page you can configure the appearance of the unprotected and hidden screen fields. These settings only affect how Interaction Host Recorder behaves while you are editing, and they do not change any values within the host profiles.

Unprotected Fields Text Color

The color of the text that appears in the unprotected fields. This setting allows you to override the color chosen by the screen's designer. Change this setting to emphasize unprotected fields. Select automatic to disable this override.

Unprotected Fields Background Color

The background color of the unprotected fields. This setting allows you to override the color chosen by the screen's designer. Change this setting to emphasize unprotected fields. Select automatic to disable this override.

Unprotected Fields fill characters

The character to display instead of blank spaces in an unprotected field.

Hidden Field options

Select Not Displayed to hide the contents of hidden fields. Select Fill with character to obfuscate any characters with a character you select. Select Show Contents to not obfuscate the contents of hidden fields. This selection is important if you want to obfuscate password entries.

Field Color Map

In this area you can re-map any colors programmed into the main screen.

Other pages in the Preferences dialog: