
  • Contents

Configure the secure token server

The Configuration page of the Secure Token Server Configuration dialog box displays the default configuration values for the secure token server. In most cases, you do not need to change the default values that appear here. However, if the secure token server is known by a different hostname on a remote machine that needs to access it, configure that hostname in the Machine Name box.

Note: You must configure the secure token server before you configure the identity providers.

To configure the secure token server

  1. In the Single Sign-on container, click Configuration.
    The Secure Token Server Configuration dialog box appears. The Configuration tab is automatically displayed.

  2. In the Private Key Path box, type the file path to the location of the private key.

  3. In the Certification Path box, type file path to the location of the certificate.

  4. In the Port box, select the port. The default port is 8043.

    Note: If you specify a different port, select one that is allowed by your firewall and that does not conflict with any other applications. For information on other ports used by PureConnect products, see the CIC Port Maps and Data Flow Diagrams Technical Reference, which is available in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

  5. In the Machine Name box, type a logical name for this server. The machine name allows other machines to locate this specific server by its IP address or FQDN.

    Note: Only one alternative name is allowed per server. The alternate name for the server may be either its IP address or its FQDN, but not both.

  6. By default, all tokens issued by this secure token server expire in 14 days. To change this, in the Token Expiration group, do one of the following:

  • If the token never expires, select the Never option button.

  • If the token expires, select the After option button and then specify the expiration time in the corresponding boxes.

  1. Click OK.


Related topics

Configure a connection for a secure token server

Configure an identity provider