
  • Contents

user.gif Discover users from a mail server

Use this page to select how users will be imported for the mail provider's directory. The Add User Assistant searches all enabled mail providers with directory lookup enabled. The options are:

  • Search for all users

    Add User Assistant will import each user in the address list you pick. The members of the address list and their attributes (email address, address, etc.) serve as the source of information to be replicated into CIC user entries in IC Directory Services. Click Next to search for all users.

    If no address lists are defined but you wish to use one, exit the Add User Assistant, define an address list on the email server, and start the Add User Assistant again.

    You can make changes to these users in the User Worksheet after the Add User Assistant completes.

Note: If the Address List is very large (e.g., several thousand accounts), you will notice a significant delay (and potential failure) during installation.

  • Search only for users in a distribution list

    To further reduce a subset of users, use this option to select a distribution list within the address list. Click Find to get distribution lists.

    A distribution list is typically much smaller than the address list; set up for the convenience of users when messages are frequently sent to the same group of individuals, for example, a department.

    If no distribution lists are defined but you wish to use a subset list, quit the Add User Assistant, define a distribution list on the email server, and restart the Add User Assistant again.

    You can make changes to these users in the User Worksheet after the Add User Assistant completes.