
  • Contents

workgrp.gif  Workgroup ACD Skills

Workgroup queues can be used to deliver regular calls and ACD calls. Regular calls can appear on a workgroup queue and be answered by any workgroup member monitoring that queue. ACD calls are routed to the appropriate workgroup based on caller input. All members of that workgroup (call agents) are expected to have a core set of skills required to handle any call on that queue. Further ACD processing directs the call to the most appropriate agent who is a member of that workgroup based on each agent's User ACD configuration. This page defines the minimal skill set required by all members of this workgroup who handle ACD calls.

If this workgroup does not have a queue or does not handle skills-based ACD calls, no skills are required.


This field contains skill names required for members of this workgroup who handle skills-based ACD calls.

To enter a skill for this workgroup:

  1. Click Add to add a skill requirement.

  2. Select a skill name from the list and click OK.

Skill names are created in the Skills section in the People container.


Type a value of 1 - 100 to indicate the minimum proficiency of skill level that an agent must have in order to receive an ACD call that requires this skill. 100 represents the highest skill level required. You define the skill attributes, which include proficiency level, for an agent on the ACD configuration page. The default value is 1. By default, the weight for proficiency is equal to 1, so this value is included in the ACD skills calculation.

Desire to Use

Type a value from 0 - 100 to indicate the minimum desire to use level agents must have in order to receive an ACD call that requires this skill. 100 is the highest possible desire; the higher the number, the more often the user wants to use the skill. Remember, desire to use is different than knowledge or ability. An agent can have a high level of proficiency (ability), but very little desire to use that ability. The default value is 0.

Notes: A user inherits the desire setting for a skill from any workgroup(s) to which the user belongs. However, you can override this with a user-level proficiency setting.

By default, the weight for Desire to Use equals 0, so the value that you specify is evaluated only as a qualifier instead of as the specified Desire to Use range for the ACD interaction. The Desire to Use setting is considered for ACD skill calculations when ACD customization points (such as CustomACDInitiateProcessing) are used. The weight for Desire to Use must be set to a value greater than 0 in order for it to be considered in ACD skills calculations. For more information on skills-based routing using the ACD Specify Interaction Skill Tool, see the ACD Processing Technical Reference or the white paper, ACD Processing: CIC's Automatic Communication Distribution in the Documentation Library.

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